Thursday 8/11/2012 - p.m.
Movements and networks (1) - The German connection
2:00 Registration
2:30 Jan De Maeyer, KADOC-KU Leuven, conference president:
Welcome and introduction
2:40 Jan De Maeyer, KADOC-KU Leuven
Keynote speech: Designing and Constructing Cloisters in 20th Century Europe: a dynamic process
3:10 Joachim Schmiedl, Theologische Fakultät, Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Vallendar:
Fr. Joseph Kentenich and the German Liturgical Movement
3:35 Andrea Meissner, Fac. of Philology and History, Augsburg University: Liturgical Renewal in Interwar Germany: Renegotiating the gendered body, sensuality and emotion
4:00 Break
4:30-5:30 Discussion
6:00 Guided visit to KADOC & reception
Friday 9/11/2012 - a.m.
Movements and networks (2) - The French connection or The Importance of l’Art Sacré
9:30 Vanessa Grossmann, School of Architecture, Princeton University: Crossing the Rhine: German modern churches as seen by l’Art Sacré
9:55 Isabelle Saint-Martin, Institut Européen en Sciences des Religions, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes Paris: Guardini and Aesthetics as Interpreted by the Liturgical Movement in France
10:20 Break
10:50 Claire Toupin-Guyot, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Rennes: Intellectuels catholiques français et renouveau de l’art sacré
11:15 Discussion
12:15 Lunch
Friday 9/11/2012 - p.m.
Case-studies (1) - Female contributions
1:15 Timothy Brittain-Catlin, School of Architecture, University of Kent
Keynote speech: Catholic Writing for Catholic Britain: the birth of new ideas for religious architecture
1:45 Kate Jordan, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London: “To conceive, to create and to know”: the role of architecture in the apostolate of Pauline Sisterhoods
2:10 Rebbeca Berru Davis, Franciscan School of Theology (Berkeley-California): Liturgy as Muse, European Sojourn as Inspiration: The contributions of American Liturgical Artist and Educator, Sister Helene O’Connor, O.P.
2:35 Discussion
3:30 Break
Friday 9/11/2012 - p.m.
Case-studies (2) - Augustinians and Dominicans
3:50 Brian Heffernan, Ruusbroecgenootschap, University of Antwerp: The Road to the Boskapel. Dutch Augustinians and liturgical renewal, 1903-1962
4:15 Eduardo Delgado Orusco and Elena Garcia Crespo, Dept of Architectural Design, Polytechnic University of Madrid: Ordo Praedicatorum: Evangelization and art in the dawn of the Second Vatican Council in Spain
4:40 Discussion
6:00 Visit to Leuven and/or Great Beguinage
Saturday 10/11/2012 - a.m.
Case-studies (3) - Benedictines
9:30 Richard Irvine, Division of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge: “Unless we get it, our monastic churches will become museums”: Champions of liturgical reform in the English Benedictine Congregation
9:55 Michel Remery, Fac. of Catholic Theology, Tilburg University: Ancient Modernity. Dom Hans van der Laan, a Benedictine monk and architect in the time of the Liturgical Movement
10:20 Zsuzszsanna Börörcz, Fac. of Arts, VU University Amsterdam / Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen: The Active Interest of Artists in the Liturgical Movement Made the Difference: The network of the Brussels glass studio Colpaert
10:45 Break
11:15 Discussion
12:00 Conclusion / panel with the keynote speakers and conference president Jan De Maeyer
1:00 Closing lunch