Childhood, Youth and Emotions in Modern History

Childhood, Youth and Emotions in Modern History

Center for the History of Emotions, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Lentzeallee 94, 14195 Berlin
Vom - Bis
29.11.2012 - 01.12.2012
Susanne Kassung, Geschichte der Gefühle, Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung

Conference Childhood, Youth and Emotions


Thursday, November 29

9:00 – 10:00 Foyer

10:00 – 10:30 Ute Frevert (MPI for Human Development)
Large conference room

Juliane Brauer und Stephanie Olsen (MPI for Human Development)
Panel 1: Schools, Space and Discipline

10:30 – 12:00 Chair: Heather Ellis (Humboldt University)
Jane Hamlett (Royal Holloway, University of London):
"The Moral Discipline of Common Life?” Space and Relationships in Dormitories for Public School Boys in South-East England, 1845-1918.

Roy Kozlowsky (Northeastern University):
The Architecture of Emotion.

Josephine Hoegaerts (University of Leuven):
Fatherly Pride, Filial Love and Repressed Anger.

12:00 – 13:00 Cafeteria

Panel 2: Media and Emotional Knowledge Acquisition

13:00 – 15:00 Chair: Juliane Brauer (MPI for Human Development)

Matthew Eddy (Durham University):
Learning to "See" the Order of Experience during the Scottish Enlightenment.

Diane Bjorklund (Illinois State University):
"Sad, Mad and Scared:" Lessons about Grief in American Picture Books during the Second Half of the Twentieth Century.

Harald Salomon (Humboldt University):
“Children in the Wind:” Representations of Childhood in the Media Culture of 1930s Japan.

Manuela Beyer (Freie Universität):
“Listen to Your Heart:” Historical Developments in the Advice on Emotions in a German Youth Magazine.

Coffee Break

15:00 – 15:30 Foyer

Panel 3: Religion, Emotion and Children

15:30 – 17:00 Chair: Colin Heywood (The University of Nottingham)

Hugh Morrison (University of Otago):
"Torch Bearers in the Cause of Christ and Humanity": Religion and "Growing Up" in British Settler Societies, New Zealand and Canada 1890s to 1930s.

Susan Whitney (Carleton University):
Emotion in the Remaking of French Young Workers: Rereading the Jeunesse Ouvrière Chrétienne and the Jeunesse Ouvrière Chrétienne Féminine, 1927-1937.

Mary Clare Martin (University of Greenwich):
Children, Youth and Religion in Nineteenth-century Britain.

17:15 – 18:45 Large conference room
Peter Stearns (George Mason University):
Obedience and Emotion: A Challenge in the Emotional History of Childhood.
Introduction: Stephanie Olsen; Chair: Juliane Brauer

Friday, November 30
Panel 4: The Nation and its Exclusions

10:00 – 12:00 Chair: Benno Gammerl (MPI for Human Development)

Marcelo Caruso (Humboldt University):
Patriotic and Republican Sentiments: Educating Children's Emotions in Early Independent Latin America.

Susan Miller (Rutgers University, Camden):
Bloodties and Lifelines.

Elena Tabacchi (University of Florence):
Shaping the Good Citizen: Schoolbooks and National Education in Fin-de-siècle Italy.

Katharina Rowold (London Metropolitan University):
Johanna Haarer and Frederic Truby King; or When is a Baby Care Manual an Instrument of National Socialism?


12:00 – 13:00
Panel 5: Emotional Education in Colonial Settings

13:00 – 15:00 Chair: Margrit Pernau (MPI for Human Development, Berlin)

Swapna Banerjee, (Brooklyn College, CUNY):
Exploring Emotional History: Everyday Practices of Fathers and Children in Colonial India.

Karen Vallgårda (University of Copenhagen):
The Ambiguous Politics of Love for Colonized Children: Danish Missionaries in Late Colonial South India.

Jack Lord (SOAS, University of London):
The Intellectual and Emotional History of Children in Colonial Africa: Fear and Security in the Gold Coast.

Kristine Alexander (University of Saskatchewan)
“The Mission of Happifying:” Cheerfulness and Colonialism in the History of the Girl Guides.

Coffee Break

15:00 – 15:30 Foyer

Panel 6: Adolescence, Medicine and the Body

15:30 – 17:30 Chair: Rainer Silbereisen (Friedrich Schiller University, Jena)

Michaela Riediger (MPI for Human Development Berlin):
Emotional Experiences in Adolescence: A View from Contemporary Developmental Psychology.

Lutz Sauerteig (Durham University):
The Emotional Turmoil of Puberty around 1900.

Beth Linker (University of Pennsylvania):
Brace Yourself: Scoliosis Treatment and the Inner Lives of Adolescent Girls in 20th-century America.

Ishita Pande (Queen's University):
Sexology, the Education of Desire and the Conduct of Childhood in Late Colonial India.

Saturday, December 1

9:00 – 9:30
Panel 6: Policing, Child Welfare and Child Observation

9:30 – 11:30 Chair: Bettina Hitzer (MPI for Human Development)

Tamara Myers (University of British Columbia):
Happy or Dead: Safety and Fear in Postwar Policing of Childhood.

Kaisa Vehkalati (University of Turku):
Policing Emotions: Youth, Gender and Delinquency in Finland, 1920-1965

Christine von Oertzen (MPI for the History of Science):
Emotions Emerging: Milicent Shinn’s Observations in Early Childhood Development, 1890-1910.

Anne Katrine Gjerløff (University of Aarhus):
"Today Ruth Was Happy:" Diaries of Childhood Development and Emotions.

Round Table

11:30 – 13:00 Chair: Stephanie Olsen (MPI for Human Development)
Colin Heywood,Rainer SilbereisenUte Frevert, Peter Stearns


Christina Becher

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