Thursday, December 6
Definitions, Explanations, Contexts
9:00 – 10:30
Ute Frevert : Historical semantics and social norms
Luc Ciompi : Do collective emotions make history? The effects of shame, the “master” emotion
Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:00
Social Practices of shaming
11:00-13:15 Chair: Mary Fulbrook
Anne Rudermann: The “Femmes Tondues” and the historicization of shame
Maren Röger: Shaming Practices in World War II-Poland and Postwar-Sanctions against Female Fraternizers
Ismee Tames: Shaming Nazi collaborators and their families in postwar Dutch society
Lunch 13:15 – 14:00
Justice, guilt and shame
14:00 – 16:15 Chair: Ute Frevert
Barak Kushner: War Crime Trials in East Asia
Ann Goldberg: Nazism and Defamation Litigation in Postwar West Germany
Mary Fulbrook: Guilt and shame among ‘perpetrators’ and ‘victims’
Coffee Break 16:15 – 16:45
UCL project: Researching and Searching for Postwar Shame. Presences and Absences
16:45-17:45 Brief presentations by Julia Wagner, Christiane Wienand, Alex Hills, Gaelle Fisher
Ruth Leys: The Disappearance of Shame?
Friday, December 7
Power and shame (1)
9:00 – 11:15 Chair: Uta Gerhardt
Karolina Wigura: The Shaming and the Declarations of Forgiveness and Repentance in Poland after World War II
Ulrike Weckel: Shamed by Nazi crimes
Stefanie Bird: Perpetrator trauma and shame
11:15 – 11:45 Coffee break
Power and shame (2)
11:45-13:15 Chair: Stephanie Bird
Alexey Tikhomirov From Shame to Pride: a Moral Economy of Victors and Defeatists in Post-War East Germany (1945-1956)
Phil Leask: Humiliation, shame and “normalization” in the GDR
13:15 – 14:00
Literary representations
14:00-16:00 Chair: Benno Gammerl
Aneta Stepien: The Flesh of Shame: Representation of collective and individual shame in Hubert Klimko-Dobrzaniecki’s Raz. Dwa.Trzy
Agnieszka Komorovska: Shame in the Literature of the Shoah – the Ethics of Testimony
Matthias Buschmeier: Private Scham und geoffenbarte Schuld in Christa Wolfs „Stadt der Engel“
Round Table
16:00 – 17:00 Large conference room