Body-Power-Gender. Rethinking the Practice Turn

Body-Power-Gender. Rethinking the Practice Turn

DFG Research Network “Praxeologies of the Body” Organized by Karin Klenke, University of Göttingen Karen Nolte, University of Würzburg Uta Schirmer, University of Göttingen Hosted by Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Göttingen Arbeitsgruppe Geschlechterforschung, University of Göttingen In cooperation with DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1599 ‘Dynamiken von Raum und Geschlecht’, University of Göttingen & University of Kassel Cornelia-Goethe-Centrum, University of Frankfurt Funded by German Research Foundation (DFG) Universitätsbund Göttingen
Tagungszentrum an der Sternwarte of the University of Göttingen at Geismar Landstraße 11
Vom - Bis
24.01.2013 - 26.01.2013
PD Dr. Karen Nolte

Die internationale Tagung „Body-Power-Gender. Rethinking the Practice Turn“ hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, praxeologische Ansätze, die einen innovativen Forschungsbeitrag zum Thema Körper zu leisten versprechen, aus einer Geschlechterperspektive kritisch zu reflektieren.

Praxeologische Ansätze konzentrieren sich auf Handlungsvollzüge, in denen als natürlich und kulturell gedachte, individuelle und gesellschaftliche Dimensionen immer schon ineinander verwoben sind. Diese Ansätze erscheinen daher besonders geeignet, gängige Dichotomien in der Debatte über den stets schon geschlechtlich konstituierten Körper, allen voran die von ‚Natur‘ und ‚Kultur‘, zu überwinden. Mit der programmatischen Ausrufung des practice turn drohen jedoch die Dimensionen von Macht und Herrschaft aus dem Blick zu geraten.

Praxistheorien rekurrieren auf vielfältige disziplinäre Zugänge wie z.B. soziologische Handlungstheorien, Konzepte der Historischen Anthropologie, philosophische Beiträge zu den Science and Technology Studies oder zur Biopolitik sowie ethnologische Arbeiten zum Thema embodiment, die jedoch in der Regel nicht in Beziehung zueinander gesetzt werden. Ziel der Tagung ist es, Grenzen und Leerstellen der jeweiligen Zugänge ausfindig zu machen und produktiv zu wenden. Den Rahmen dafür bieten die konzeptuellen Felder Materialität, Diskursivität, Performativität und Strukturalität. Mit Blick auf die Kategorie Geschlecht soll überprüft werden, wie einerseits Praxistheorien in der empirischen Forschung operationalisierbar sind und andererseits durch empirische Befunde neu überdacht werden müssen.


The international workshop „Body-Power-Gender. Rethinking the Practice Turn“ aims to critically reflect from a gender perspective on praxeological appproaches that promise to make an innovative contribution to research on the subject of the body.

Praxeological approaches focus on performed actions, in which supposedly natural and cultural, individual and societal dimensions are always already interwoven. Therefore, they seem especially suited to overcoming established dichotomies in debates about the gendered body, such as the opposition of ‘nature’ versus ‘culture’. However, with the programmatic proclamation of a practice turn there is the danger of losing sight of structures of power and domination.

Practice theories draw on a variety of disciplinary approaches, such as sociological action theories, concepts of Historical Anthropology, philosophical contributions to Science and Technology Studies (STS) or to bio-politics, as well as anthropological approaches to embodiment. However, these diverse disciplinary approaches are rarely brought into dialogue with one another. This workshop sets out to explore and creatively engage with the limits and lacunae of existing contributions in order to make them fruitful for research on the gendered body. This endeavour is framed by the conceptual fields of materiality, discursivity, performativity and structurality. With respect to the category of gender, the workshop asks both how practice theories can be operationalised in empirical research, and also how they have to be rethought on the basis of empirical findings.


Thursday, January 24

14.00 – 14.30: Welcome

Ulrike Manz and Karin Klenke, DFG-Network „Praxeologies of the Body“
Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Vice-President, University of Göttingen
Irene Schneider, Chair of the Arbeitsgruppe Geschlechterforschung, University of Göttingen

Panel I: Materiality

Chair: Ulrike Manz, University of Frankfurt

14.30 – 15.15
Susanne Lettow, University of Paderborn
Materiality and praxis. Remarks on Material Feminism

15.15 - 16.00
Malaika Rödel, University of Frankfurt
What matters? Nature, technology and gender in the discourse of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis

16.00 – 16.30: Coffee break

16.30 – 17.15
Silke Schicktanz, University of Göttingen
The giving and taking of organs – ethical and cultural dynamics beyond symbolic actions

17.15 – 18.00
Eva Sänger, University of Frankfurt
Matter of time: making up babies in obstetrical ultrasound scanning in Germany

18:00 – 19:30: Dinner

20:00 ct: Public Keynote Lecture:
Nina Lykke, University of Linköping
Feminist postconstructionism, postdisciplinary practices - and the oxymoron of doing academic activism

Venue: Holborn‘sches Haus, Rote Straße 34

Friday, January 25

Panel II: Discursivity

Chair: Karen Nolte, University of Würzburg

9.30 – 10.15
Margrit Shildrick, University of Linköping
Embodied discourses: The somatechnics of disability

10.15 – 11.00
Heike Raab, University of Innsbruck
Technobodies and dis/ability – on an analyses of a discursive relationship of tension

11.00 – 11.30: Coffee break

11.30 – 12.15
Olaf Stieglitz, University of Essen
Texts and muscles – discourse, practice & the writing of sports history

12.15 – 13:00
Mica Wirtz, University of Hamburg
Analysing contemporary fitness practices – methodological reflections

13.00 – 14.30: Lunch

Panel III: Performativity

Chair: Karin Klenke, University of Göttingen

14.30 – 15.15
Robert Schmidt, Technical University of Darmstadt
From studies of the performative towards a sociology of social practices. Notes on changing perspectives

15.15– 16.00
Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, University of Iceland
Performative theories of the body in environmental ethics and how they make environmental ethics a radical field within the humanities

16.00 – 16.30: Coffee break

16.30 – 17.15
Uta Schirmer, University of Göttingen
On the performativity of drag as social practice

17.15 – 18.00
Kristina Schneider, University of Göttingen
„We are doing it, not appearing like it“ – Performing lesbi genders in Indonesia

19.30: Dinner

Saturday, January 26

Panel IV: Structurality

Chair: Karen Wagels, University of Kassel

09.00 – 09:45
Brigitte Bargetz, Humboldt University Berlin
Structuring the everyday. Politics, power, practices

09.45 – 10.30
Katja Jana, University of Göttingen
From Westernization to civilization? Body politics and the formation of modern subjects in the passage from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish nation-state

10:30 – 11:00: Coffee break

11:00 – 11:45
Anne Marie Rafferty, King’s College London
The body politic in colonial nursing

11:45 – 12.30
Bettina Brockmeyer, University of Bielefeld
Colonizing bodies: German structures, African experiences?

12:30 – 13:15
Wrap-up: Andrea Bührmann, University of Göttingen

13.15: Lunch



The workshop is open to a limited number of guests.
Please register via until January 15th, 2013.

The registration fee for guests is 40€ / students 20€ and includes beverages and lunch.
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