Thursday, 21 March: Political and Geostrategic Borders
9.30–9.45 Registration
9.45–10.00 Opening
Section 1
Chair : Colin Heywood
10.00–10.20 Heinz Duchhardt (Max Weber Stiftung). “Fight for the Rhine” in the Eighteenth Century
10.20–10.40 Ivan Parvev (Sofia University). Between "Europe" and "Non–Europe". The Balkans in the plans for peace and European unity, 16th – 18th centuries.
10.40–11.00 Jovan Pešalj (University of Leiden). Linear Boundary. The Advance of a New Border Model in the Eighteenth–Century Southeastern Europe
11.00–11.20 Discussion
11.20–11.40 Coffee Break
Section 2
Chair : Karl Vocelka
11.40–12.00 Markus Koller (Ruhr University of Bochum). The Ottoman–Habsburg Border (16th–17th Centuries) – Condominia in Early Modern Europe
12.00–12.20 Dariusz Kołodziejczyk (University of Warsaw). Lice and Locusts or Allies and Brethren? The Ambivalent Attitude towards the Crimean Tatars in Early Modern Poland–Lithuania
12.20–12.40 Discussion
12.40–14.30 Lunch
Section 3
Chair : Heinz Duchhardt
14.30–14.50 Borislav Gavrilov (Sofia University). Europe during the Time of Philip II – Maps and Power
14.50–15.10 Colin Heywood (University of Hull). Beyond the Frontier?: Sir William Trumbull's Reflections on Life and Diplomacy at the Porte, 1697-1699
15.10–15.30 Discussion
15.30–15.50 Coffee Break
Section 4
Chair : Dariusz Kołodziejczyk
15.50–16.10 Christo Matanov (Sofia University). Bulgaria after Bulgaria. Problems of the Bulgarian Transition after the End of the 14th Century
16.10–16.30 Vera Costantini (University of Venice). Leaving the border behind. The Venetian trading network in the early–17th–century Balkans.
16.30–16.50 Discussion
19.30 Cocktail
Friday, 22 March: Bordering Regions in Early Modern Europe
Section 1
Chair : Ivan Parvev
10.00–10.20 Wolfgang Schmale (University of Vienna). Europe: Eighteenth Century Definitions
10.20–10.40 Karl Vocelka (University of Vienna). Crossing Borderlines – The Approach of Austrian and German Travellers to the Ottoman Empire
10.40–11.00 Martin Espenhorst (Institute for European History, Mainz). Europe in German Historiography before 1815. Translations and constructions in Universal Histories
11.00–11.20 Discussion
11.20–11.40 Coffee Break
Section 2
Chair : Jovan Pešalj
11.40–12.00 Maria Baramova (Sofia University). Negotiating Borders: Habsburg–Ottoman Peace Treaties of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
12.00–12.20 Tatiana Bazarova (Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg). The Process of Establishing the Border between Russia and the Ottoman Empire after the Peace of Adrianople (1713)
12.20–12.40 Discussion
12.40–14.30 lunch
Section 3
Chair : Tatiana Bazarova
14.30–14.50 Plamen Mitev (Sofia University). From Catherine the Great to Alexander I: Russian Doctrine for the Balkan Provinces of the Ottoman Empire and the Bulgarians
14.50–15.10 Angelina Vacheva (Sofia University). Borders of Civility: Russia in the Debate between Catherine the Great and Abbot Chappe d'Auteroche
15.10–15.30 Discussion
15.30–15.50 Coffee Break
Section 4
Chair : Wolfgang Schmale
15.50–16.10 Naoum Kaytchev (Sofia University). Living on the Edge of Christianity: Some late 18th-Century Croatian Perceptions on Europe and its Borders
16.10–16.30 Rossitsa Tasheva (Sofia University). Regions and Borders During Revolutionary Transformations: The Еxample of the Papal Enclaves Avignon and the Comtat Venaissin in the Years of the French Revolution
16.30–16.50 Discussion
Saturday, 23 March: Bordering “Turkey in Europe”
Section 1
Chair : Grigor Boykov
9.00–9.20 Heath Lowry (Bahçeşehir University). The Role of the Evrenosoğlu in Endowing Balkan Imarets (Soup Kitchens)
9.20–9.40 Mariya Kiprovska (Bilkent University). Shaping the Ottoman
Borderland: The Architectural Patronage of the Frontier Lords from the Mihaloğlu Family
9.40–10.00 Discussion
Section 2
Chair : Ourania Bessi
10.00–10.20 Zeynep Yürekli (Oxford University). Art at the Ottoman Frontier: Propagandistic Features in the Painted Monasteries of Romania
10.20–10.40 Machiel Kiel (Netherlands Institute in Turkey). Problems of Patronage of Ottoman Architecture at the Frontier: Thoughts and Materials, a Preliminary Overview
10.40–11.00 Discussion
11.00–11.20 Coffee Break
Section 3
Chair : Heath Lowry
11.20–11.40 Grigor Boykov (Sofia University/NIT). The Borders of the Cities: Revisiting Ottoman Urban Morphology in Southeastern Europe
11.40–12.00 Ourania Bessi (University of Birmingham). Proto–Ottoman Morphological Adaptations from the Ottoman Borderland: in Search of a Normative Pattern for Ottoman Urbanism at Lower Balkans (Dimetoka–Siroz)
12.00–12.20 Kornelija Jurin Starčević (Zagreb University). Urbanization on Ottoman Frontiers: Small Towns in Southwestern Serhad from 16th till 18th Century
12.20–12.40 Discussion
Organizing committee:
Associate Professor Dr. habil. Ivan Parvev
Assistant Professor Dr. Maria Baramova
Visiting Teaching Fellow Dr. des. Grigor Boykov