Susanne Kassung, Geschichte der Gefühle, Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung
16.4.2013 Kelly Askew
Drivers of Emotion, Drivers of Change: Poetic Politicking in Tanzania
23.4.2013 Avi Lifschitz
Between the Wild Child and the Speaking Ape: Emotions and Cognition in Enlightenment Debates on the Boundaries of Humanity
7.5.2013 Carolyn Dean
Erasures: Writing History about Holocaust Trauma
28.5.2013 Francesca Trivellato
Early Modern European Merchants Between Rational Calculation and Anger: Can we Trust that We Understand Trust?
4.6.2013 Elizabeth Heineman
Scholarship, Historical Fiction, and Emotion: A Family History of the Holocaust
11.6.2013 Mana Kia
Emotions as Moral Substance and Virtuous Conduct in Late-Mughal Persianate India
2.7.2013 Deborah Gould
Becoming Coalitional: The Strange and Miraculous Coalition between Queer to the Left and the Jesus People, USA
9.7.2013 Jack Barbalet
Trust, Assurance, Face and Gossip: The Mechanisms of Guanxi