Georg Schinko, Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Universität Wien
Tuesday September 10, 2013
9.00-9.15 Sigrid Wadauer: Welcome and Introduction
Chair: Sigrid Wadauer
9.15-10.15 Christian Topalov (Paris): National Styles in the Social Sciences: Unemployment Theories and the Rise of Mathematical Statistics in the early 20th Century (Britain and France)
Coffee break
10.40-11.40 Alexander Mejstrik (Vienna): Labour and Occupational Statistics (Austria, 1918-1938)
11.40-12.40 Thomas Buchner (Linz): Early German Labour Market Statistics (Germany, 1897-1914)
Lunch break
Chair: Irina Vana
14.15-15.15 Jochen Mayer (Edinburgh): Writing the Labour Market: The Production and Use of Workbooks and Employment Files in (West) Germany, 1935-1954
Coffee break
15.30-16.30 Julia Moses (Sheffield): Accidental Work: Law, Expertise and the Construction of Labour in Britain, Germany and Italy, 1860-1914
16.30-17.30 Sabine Rudischhauser (Berlin): Collective Agreements, Labour Law, and the Normalization of Work. France and Germany, 1890-1918/19
Wednesday September 11, 2013
Chair: Georg Schinko
9.00-10.00 Paul-André Rosental (Paris): The Notion of Biological Selection of Workforce in mid-20th Century France
10.00-11.00 David Meskill (New York): From “Commonsense Psychology“ to Scientific Psychology: The Evolution of German Applied Psychology, 1920-1965
Coffee break
Chair: Jessica Richter
11.20-12.20 Christine Schnaithmann (Berlin): Bringing the Office Chair to the Laboratory. Efficiency, Comfort, and Normalization in the American Office, 1880-1930.
Lunch break
13.50-14.50 Sonja Hinsch (Vienna): Expertise in Forced Labour Facilities. Between “Work-Shyness” and Illness (Austria 1918-1938)
14.50-15.50 Concluding discussion