Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Arianna Borrelli/Volker Remmert, Wuppertal: Welcome
The Context of the Sun
Carolin Behrmann, Florence: The Sun, the scales, and the dial. Scientific instruments and the metrics of justice
Coffee break
Jasmin Mersmann, Berlin: Embodying time. Figurative sundials and their narratives
Denis Ribouillault, Montreal: Sundials in Early Modern Roman gardens: the ‘gnomon’ as ‘nomen’
Thursday, August 29, 2013
The Courtly Context
Bettina Marten, Frankfurt/Main: A 'capitano general' commands the heavens: On the astrolabe of Vespasiano Gonzaga (1531-1591)
Emma Perkins, Cambridge/England: “For the sake of ornament”: symbolic representation in Tycho Brahe's small brass quadrant
Coffe break
Instruments in Context
Samuel Gessner, Lisbon: Star-maps and celestial globes between artisans, mathematicians, and noblemen in Renaissance Europe
Alexander Marr, Cambridge/England: The Aesthetics of Early Modern Printed Instruments
The Heavenly Context
Silke Ackermann, Schwerin: Art in Heaven - Astrological Imagery on Scientifc Instruments
Karsten Gaulke, Kassel: The outside and inside and of a table clock made by Jost Bürgi: what have eight reliefs of important astronomers to do with a complicated sun and moon mechanism?
Coffee break
Huib Zuidervaart, The Hague: The regional variation in the ornamentation of the early telescope in Europe, and its resemblance to the decoration on 17th century book bindings