With Francisca de Haan, Central European University in Budapest and Daniel Laqua, Northumbria University (UK), Moderation by Brigitte Studer and Regula Ludi, University of Bern
Friday, 18 October 2013, University of Bern
Uni S Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3012 Bern: Room A 015
During the twentieth century, many international organisations were founded, all of which were deeply rooted within the internationalist movement. These organisations tried to use international institutions like the League of Nations and the UNO as a platform to negotiate their concerns and requests. “Internationalism” as a concept structured debates and mediated between different actors. The concept of “internationalism” contained the ideal of equal actors cooperating for a better world. But in reality, the international sphere was not filled with equal partners but marked by inequalities and power relations.
Research on international aspects of social movements and political institutions has developed various theoretical and methodological approaches to study inter-/transnational topics. This research has pointed out the challenges arising from local organisations and processes of othering to internationalist organisations.
The aim of the workshop is to discuss theoretical and methodological research approaches dealing with the concept of “internationalism” in social movements and political institutions. Francisca de Haan will introduce processes of othering and ways in which the othering was challenged in international women’s organisations. Daniel Laqua will talk about the challenges of the concept of “internationalism” in the interwar years. Elife Biçer-Deveci and Edith Siegenthaler will contribute to both lectures with examples from specific case studies. All interested students and researches are welcome to participate in and contribute to the workshop. Please write an e-mail to edith.siegenthaler@hist.unibe.ch if you would like to participate in the workshop. No travel and accommodation costs can be provided by the workshop organizers.
For further information, please contact:
Elife Biçer-Deveci, University of Bern, elife.bicer@hist.unibe.ch
Edith Siegenthaler, University of Bern, edith.siegenthaler@hist.unibe.ch
This workshop can be accredited as “individuelle Leistung” to students of the Graduate School Gender Studies and the IASH.
This workshop is financially supported by the MVUB (Mittelbauvereinigung der Universität Bern)