The 20th century has taken us from modernism to postmodernism, from colonialism to postcolonialism, from mono- to transcultural concepts; our analytical methods and theories have been shaped by spatial, linguistic, ethical, and digital turns. Since Lyotard‘s influential definition of postmodernism as “incredulity towards metanarratives”, we have come to question supposedly fixed categories, deconstructing metanarratives and acknowledging the validity of small narratives. As “pattern-building animals”, however, human beings rely on stories and categories to orientate themselves and, ultimately, make sense of the world. While an attempt to theorize the new century might at this point be considered premature, we nonetheless would like to survey emerging narratives of the present. This workshop aims to offer a forum for critical engagement with narratives both in and for the 21st century. It invites academics from the humanities, social sciences, and cultural practitioners to consider fictional and non-fictional narratives which shape cultural meaning-making in and for the third millennium. We explicitly want to address from various perspectives the issues mentioned above, which is why we strongly encourage postgraduate students and doctoral candidates from a wide range of disciplines to submit proposals for presentations.
Proposals for 20 to 30 minute papers – preferably presented in English – may address the following aspects:
narratives of Europe in a transcultural globalized world
after postmodernism / postcolonialism
liquid / second modernity
media narratives / storytelling / questions of copyright
post-nation / non-territorial communities / global complicity
ethics / value systems / environmentalism
autonomy / hierarchies
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Peter Boxall, University of Sussex
Matti Hyvärinen, University of Tampere
Diane Negra, University College Dublin
Abstracts should include 200 to 300 words, and a brief CV that provides title, institutional affiliation, email and mailing address. Doctoral students are especially welcome to submit a proposal. Enquiries and proposals should be sent by June 1, 2014 to