19 June 2014
Arnd Bauerkämper and Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe: Welcome and Introduction
Constantin Iordachi: From Comparative to Transnational History: New Perspectives on the Entangled History of European Fascism
20 June 2014
Panel 1: Transnational Fascism – Theories, Concepts and Approaches.
Chair: Arnd Bauerkämper
Roger Griffin: “Die Krankheit Europas”: The International Dimension of Fascist Diagnoses of Decadence
Matteo Pasetti: Corporatist Connections: Reflections on the Transnational Flow of Ideas and Experiences in Interwar Europe
Panel 2: Propaganda and Representations
Chair: Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe
Anna Lena Kocks: Organizing Leisure: the Extension of Propaganda into New Spheres by the Italian and British Fascist Movements
Goran Miljan: The ‘New Youth’ for the ‘New Future’ – A Comparative Case Study of the Ustasha and Hlinka Youth Connections and Exchanges
Cláudia Ninhos: German-Portuguese Relations (1933-1945): Science, Knowledge and Power
Panel 3: Conflicts and Violence
Chair: Anna Lena Kocks
Miguel Alonso Ibarra: Brother in Arms. Fascist Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War
Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe: East European Fascists in Nazi Concentration Camps
Antonis Klapsis: A Fascist State with an Anti-Fascist Foreign Policy? Greek Diplomacy towards Italy During the Metaxas Dictatorship
21 June 2014
Panel 4: Actors
Chair: Albrecht Betz
Mario Ivani: Exporting the Fascist Political Model of Salazar’s 'Estado Novo.' Intellectuals, Diplomats, Journalists, Political Activists and Police Officers in the Service of the Fascist Idea between Italy and Portu-gal in the 1920s and 1930s
Marleen Rensen: Robert Brasillach and the Fascist Spirit in Europe
Raul Cârstocea: Native Fascists, Transnational Anti-Semites: Ion I. Moţa and the International Section of the “Legion of the Archangel Michael”
Panel 5: Visions of a Fascist Europe
Chair: Paolo Fonzi
Monica Fioravanzo: Italian Fascism in Transnational Perspective: the Debate on the New European Order (1930-1945)
Johannes Dafinger: The Nazi “New Europe” – Fascist or “Volkish”? Cultural and Academic Exchange within the “Axis” Sphere of Influence
Panel 6: Transnational Antifascism
Chair: Constantin Iordachi
Wolfgang Wippermann: Transnational Antifascism
Silvia Madotto: Transnational Aspects of the Antifascist Resistance at European Universities during the Second World War
Francesco Di Palma: German and Italian Democratic Socialists in Exile: Fascism Inter-pretations and Transnational Aspects of Resistance in the 'Sopade' and 'Giustizia e Libertà'
Arnd Bauerkämper: Comment and Perspectives of Research