Friday, September 5, 2014
10:00 Welcome
10:30 Panel 1: Models of governance and funding systems
Chair: Andrea Mariuzzo, Scuola Normale Superiore
Discussant: Robert D. Anderson, University of Edinburgh
Tommaso Dell’Era, Università della Tuscia, Viterbo
The University of Rome between 1914 and 1968
Manuel Martínez Neira, Universidad Carlos III, Getafe
Spanish University: from the Crisis of the Liberal Model to 1968
11:20 Coffee break
Hans Martin Krämer. Universität Heidelberg
European Models, Wartime Innovations, and US Imposed Reforms: The Financing of Higher Education in Japan in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
Eduardo Díaz de Guijarro, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Argentinian Universities around the Middle of XXth Century: Two Conflicting Models and an Unifinished Project
15:00 Panel 2: Disciplines and Organization of studies
Chair: Paola Carlucci, Università per Stranieri, Siena
Discussant: Igniacio Peiró Martín, Universidad de Zaragoza
Luigiaurelio Pomante – Roberto Sani, Università di Macerata
The Gentile Reform and the Reconversion of Teaching and Research Activities in the University of Macerata (1923-1936)
Francesco Torchiani, Fondazione Michele Pellegrino, Torino
Medieval and Modern Art Historians in Italian university between the Two World Wars
Margherita Angelini, Università di Padova
History for Contemporary Times: Citizenship and Education in Italy and Germany (1914-1968)
16:00 Coffee break
Simone Diender, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
The Social Science and Cultural Citizenship: A New Role for American Universities between 1918 and 1968
Diane Kirkby, La Trobe University, Melbourne
Trailblazers across the Pacific: The Impact of the Fulbright Exchange Program on the Development of New Academic Fields in Australia, 1949-1968
Saturday, September 6, 2014
9:00 Panel 3: People in universities: teachers, scholars, students
Chair: Simona Salustri, Università di Bologna
Discussant: Victor Karady, Central European University, Budapest – CNRS, Paris
Peter Tibor Nagy, John Wesley College, Budapest
Differencies and Parallelities of the Social Circumstances of Academic and Extra-Academic Elite Groups in the Social Sciences: The Case of Hungary 1900-2000
Anya Jabour, University of Montana, Missoula
Separatism and Equality: Women at the University of Chicago, 1895-1945
Michael Jung, Leibniz Universität, Hannover
Political and Racist Cleansing (‘Säuberung’) and Nazification of German Universities after 1933: the Example of Technical University of Hannover
10:00 Coffee break
Alba Lazzaretto, Università di Padova
The University of Padua between 1945 and the 1950s: Students, Professors, Institutions
Alessandro Breccia, Università di Pisa
Public prosopographic trajectories of the Italian Sessantotto
11:45 Roundtable: History of Universities and New Policies for the Future
Chair: Daniele Menozzi, Scuola Normale Superiore
Participants: Robert D. Anderson, Andrea Graziosi, Victor Karady, Mauro Moretti,Igniacio Peiró Martín, Paolo Prodi, Elisa Signori