thersites - journal for transcultural presences & diachronic identities from antiquity to date

thersites - journal for transcultural presences & diachronic identities from antiquity to date

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Vom - Bis
01.08.2014 -
Filippo Carlà

What is thersites?
thersites is an international peer-reviewed open access journal for transdisciplinary classical studies founded in 2014.
- thersites contributes to the critical review on methods, theories and approaches in classical scholarship, which currently seems to be awkwardly divided between tradtional perspectives and cultural turns.
- thersites expands classical reception studies by reflecting on Greco-Roman antiquity as present phenomenon and diachronic culture that is part of today’s transcultural and highly diverse world. Antiquity, in our understanding, does not merely belong to the past, but is always experienced and engaged in the present.
- thersites brings together scholars, writers, essayists, artists and all kinds of agents in the culture industry to get a better understanding of how antiquity constitutes a part of today’s culture and (trans-)forms our present.

What are the main subjects of the journal?
Reception studies; presences of Greco-Roman antiqutiy in today’s cultures and arts; innovative and transdisciplinary approaches and theories; sociocultural, political and epistemological conditions for classical studies.

What kind of papers will be published in thersites?
- Research papers.
- Essays that offer innovative approaches and critically review the methods of classical scholarship or reflect on sociocultural, political and epistemological developments associated with classical studies.
- Reviews of/essays on books, performing arts, movies, exhibitions, digital contents and all kinds of popcultural products dealing with the Greco-Roman antiquity.
- Essays written by artists, writers and agents of the culture industry whose works are concerned with Greco-Roman antiquity.
- Interviews/Literary texts.

In which language must the paper be written?
We accept papers in German, English, Italian, French and Spanish. Abstracs in English and at least two other languages will be attributed to every paper in order to reach a wider international audience. In addition, English key words that reflect the subject and argument of your paper will help the readers to categorize it properly.

How do I submit my paper?
For now, we ask you to submit your paper via e-Mail at;;

Are there any submission guidelines?
The basic principles are as follows:
- Your paper should not be longer than 90.000 characters (including spaces, footnotes and bibliography).
- It should begin with an English abstract of 200 words or fewer and at least five distinctive key words.
- Please give a translation for all Latin and Greek quotations or refer to existing translations.
- Please note the editions of all texts you are using.
- A bibliography with all references must be attached at the end of the paper.

Who is responsible for thersites?
thersites was founded by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christine Walde (Classical Philology/Mainz), Dr. Filippo Carlà (Ancient History and Classics/Exeter) and Christian Stoffel (Classical Philology/Mainz).
- Christine Walde is professor for classical philology at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. Her research interests are sleep and dream, psychoanalysis, reception studies, comparative literature, literary theory, Roman history and philosophy, ancient magic, ancient epic and Latin love elegy.
For more information about Christine Walde visit her personal page or look at her profile at
- Filippo Carlà is lecturer for ancient history and classics at the University of Exeter. His research interests are ancient history and economics, reception studies, Roman law, ancient epigraphy and numismatics, archeology, cultural history and popular culture.
For more information about Filippo Carlà visit his personal page or look at his profile at
- Christian Stoffel is research assistant for classical philology at the Jo-hannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. His research interests are nocturnal phenomena, space & literature, gender studies, reception studies, aesthetics, Latin epic, ancient fables, Roman declamation and popular culture. Christian Stoffel is also responsible for the technical service and editorial of thersites.
For more information about Christian Stoffel visit his personal page or look at his profile at



Christian Stoffel

Welderweg 18 55122 Mainz