Session 1: 02.10.2014
Prof. Dr. Rupa Viswanath (Universität Göttingen):
Land, Labour and Unfreedom: Problems in the Historiography of Slavery in India
Session 2: 23.10.2014
Prof. Dr. Wulf Hund (Universität Hamburg):
Racism and Sociology: From Adam Smith to Max Weber
Session 3: 06.11.2014
Dr. Dr. Andrea Bréard (Université Lille/Universität Heidelberg):
The Global Entanglements of Modern Mathematics in China (19th-20th Century)
Session 4: 20.11.2014
Prof. Dr. Blain Auer (Univerité de Lausanne):
Writing the History of Islamic India under British Rule
Session 5: 18.12.2014
Prof. Dr. Alexandra Przyrembel (Freie Universität Berlin):
Global Moments and the Crisis of Humanitarian Aid:
The Armenian Massacres, World Public, and 'the West' (1895-1930)