Much of the emphasis in studies of the tower in medieval elite residence has been placed on the symbolic or ceremonial aspects of the building and in its previous conferences TURRIS has explored the role of the tower as lordly residence, dimensions of status and household relationships within the structures, and their use as expressions of lineage and antiquity. In the sixth conference of TURRIS, hosted in the castle of the German Castle Association Marksburg in Braubach in the German Rhineland, the theme is the "functional" tower and papers are invited that explore buildings in which particular functions or activities were concentrated e.g. chapel towers, kitchen towers, latrine towers, guest towers. These may focus on the physical characteristics and planning of towers, their relationship with other components of wider complexes, their construction as indicators of changes in social performance or cultural expression, or as physical manifestations of a rise in social status of their owners. Papers that examine factors behind the non-appearance of such specialist buildings in the architectural repertoire of a region, and the nature of alternative expressions, are also welcome.
The main language of the conference is English but papers in German and French are also welcome. Abstracts - in English - of up to 350 words to
Prof. Richard Oram, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4FA