Istituto Luigi Sturzo, Rome, November 12-13, 2015
The workshop will focus on the presence of women in CD European parties, as well as on ideology, programs and developments of women CD movements. In particular, Christian inspired women movements and their international cooperation will be analyzed and compared in a national and transnational perspective. We also encourage proposals analyzing continuity and discontinuity in a medium- or long-term perspective and with a gender or a multidisciplinary approach.
The workshop will hopefully clarify the state-of-the-art in this research field and will suggest new starting points for future research.
1. Women in CD parties
Similarities and differences between CD women movements and those of other political leanings; specific and characteristic ideological features of CD women actions and programs; the attitude of women towards CD parties and movements, etc.
2. The contributions of CD women and of the women movements to the building of Europe
The political program common to the CD women for Europe; role and presence of CD women in European institutions; relationship and cooperation with women movements, etc.
Some new starting points for research might include the following:
1. Basic principles: personalism, subsidiarity, responsibility, solidarity, equality, feminism etc.
2. Women in politics and in society: presence, influence, role, programs, contribution to the elaboration and development of the programs and actions of their parties (e.g.: topics concerning family policies, women empowerment, political communication, etc.); statistical analysis, social analysis, economy, culture, patterns and image of the woman and women movements in society, their contribution to labour organizations and worker movements, the new patterns of family, the 1968 movements as a turning point from a social and political point of view, etc.
3. Women in European and international perspective: birth and growth of women CD movements operating at a European and international level; participation of women movements in, and contribution to, European women movements; CD women and CD organisms for international and transnational cooperation; the programs of European parties on women, integration, cooperation; CD women and integration in Europe, influences of the American feminism, youth movements, etc.
Participants are invited to send an abstract of no more than 500 words and a short CV by April 20, 2015
Send to: Dr. ssa Patrizia Severi -
Notification of acceptance will follow no later than June 15, 2015.