THURSDAY, 7 May 2015
Venue: Alte Handelsbörse (Naschmarkt 1, 04109 Leipzig)
5 pm – 8 pm Opening
5 pm Matthias Schwarz (Leipzig)
Vice-Rector for Research and Young Academics
Ulf Engel (Leipzig)
Spokesperson of the Research Training Group
Welcome and Opening Speeches
5.30 pm Ulf Engel (Leipzig): Critical Junctures of Globalization and the Debate about Globalization(s): Who did we think we are? And what did we become? And what has it done to us?
6 pm Matthias Middell (Leipzig): Critical Junctures of Globalization in Historical Perspective
6.30 pm John Agnew (Los Angeles): Globalization and Sovereignty
8 pm Reception
FRIDAY, 8 May 2015
Venue GWZO (Specks Hof - Entrance A, Reichsstr. 4-6, 04109 Leipzig)
9 am -12 pm Presentations I: Portals of Globalization
Chair: Scarlett Cornelissen (Stellenbosch)
Antje Dietze (Leipzig/Montreal): Leipzig as a Portal of Globalization: Popular Entertainment and Transnational Connections, 1880s to 1920s
Megan Maruschke (Leipzig): The Port of Bombay as a Portal of Globalization, 1858 to the Present
Sonja Ganseforth (Leipzig): Japanese Seafood Companies as Portals of Globalization
Claudia Baumann (Leipzig): Higher Education Institutions as Portals of Globalizations
Discussant: Katja Naumann (Leipzig)
1 pm - 3.30 pm Presentations II: Effects of Processes of De- and Reterritorialization
Chair: Stefan Troebst (Leipzig)
Geert Castryck (Leipzig): A Portal of Globalization in East Central Africa: Kigoma-Ujiji since the mid 19th century
Sarah Ruth Sippel (Leipzig): Food Policies in a World of De- and Reterritorialization
David Newman (Be’er Scheva): Border-making in the Case of Israel and Palestine
Discussant: John Agnew (Los Angeles)
- Coffee Break, Book Exhibition –
4.30 pm – 6 pm Presentations III: World Orders and Critical Junctures – Analyzing the Geopolitics of States and Social Movements
Chair: Adam Jones (Leipzig)
Micha Fiedlschuster (Leipzig) and Nils Kumkar (Leipzig): New Social Movements
Debora Gerstenberger (Berlin): n.n.
Ewald Frie (Tübingen): The Breakdown of Order
Discussant: Heidrun Zinecker (Leipzig)
6.30 pm - 7.45 pm Panel discussion I: Experiences with the Graduate Training Programme
Moderation: Helena Flam (Leipzig) and Adam Jones (Leipzig)
Jenny Kuhlmann (Frankfurt/Oder), Kristina Starkloff (Berlin), Ute Rietdorf (Leipzig) and Richard Adu-Gyamfi (Leipzig)
8 pm Dinner (for invited guests)
SATURDAY, 9 May 2015
Venue GWZO (Specks Hof - Entrance A, Reichsstr. 4-6, 04109 Leipzig)
9 am -12 pm Presentations IV: (New) Regionalisms and Beyond
Chair: Jörg Gertel (Leipzig)
Johannes Knierzinger (Leipzig): Socio-political implications of bauxite mining in Guinea
Nicholas Dietrich (Leipzig): Transnational Policing and Region-making
Nathanael Kuck (Leipzig): Spatial Conceptions in Weimar Anticolonialism
Tayyibe Armagan (Leipzig) and Ana Ribeiro (Leipzig): New Players and Old World Order Legitimation
Ulrike Kaden (Leipzig): Regionalization Processes in the Polish-German and Danish-German Borderland: Comparing Practices of Border Transgression
Discussant: David Newman (Be’er Scheva)
1 pm – 3.30 pm Panel discussion II: Conclusions and Perspectives
Moderation: Sebastian Lentz (Leipzig)
John Agnew (Los Angeles), Helena Flam (Leipzig), Scarlett Cornelissen (Stellenbosch), Matthias Middell (Leipzig), David Newman (Be’er Scheva) and Stefan Troebst (Leipzig)
3.30 pm – 4 pm Conference Closing
Ulf Engel (Leipzig)