Following the success of our 1st International Conference in 2015, the UCL Americas Research Network invites graduate students and early career researchers working on any aspect of the Americas to participate in our 2nd International Conference: ‘Ideas & Transformations in the Americas.’ With important elections coming up across the region in 2015-16 it is essential to pause and consider how ideas can transform the political, economic, social and cultural landscape across the Americas. We welcome papers from international researchers working across the humanities, the social sciences and beyond in order to create a dynamic, interdisciplinary conference that will showcase the depth and quality of emerging research on the Americas.
This includes proposals that explore Central, South and North America and we particularly encourage participation from researchers whose focus is upon Canada and the Caribbean. Whether this is national, regional, local, comparative, transnational, or global we hope to create a hemispherically-diverse conference which will foster interdisciplinary conversations that transcend the boundaries of the nation-state.
We welcome proposals that explore any topic pertaining to the broad theme of the conference, including:
- The interaction of social, cultural, economic and political ideas
- Regional transformation, cooperation, integration and conflict
- International relations and foreign policy
- History, narratives and identity
- Democracy, human rights and security
- Protest, social movements and regime legitimacy
- Urbanization, ecology, communities and agrarian movements
- Gender and feminism
The conference will be free to attend. Please submit abstracts to: by 14 December 2015 and feel free to contact the Network at the same email address for further information.
NOTE: Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and should be accompanied by a short biographical note. The Network will respond to all potential participants in January 2016 and the deadline for the submission of accepted papers will be March 31 2016.