Tuesday, 2nd of February 2016
Come together
9:00 -9:15
Volker Hess and Susanne Doetz
Genetic Counseling in Europe and the USA: International Case Studies
9:15 – 10:15
Panel I: Genetic Counseling in the Mediterranean Area
Chair: Susanne Doetz
Luc Berlivet:
Genetic Counseling as a Eugenic Device. The “Fight Against Thalassemia” in 1950s Italy and Afterwards
Alexandra Barmpouti:
Genetic Counseling for Mediterranean Anemia in Post-War Greece (1950-1980)
Coffee break
Panel II: Country Case Studies
Chair: Ulrike Klöppel
Maria Björkman/Anna Tunlid:
Development of Genetic Counseling in Sweden 1950-1980
Jörg Vandenriessche:
Genetic Counseling in Belgian Academic Hospitals, 1960-1980
Katja Geiger/Thomas Mayer:
The Establishment of Human Genetic Counseling in Austria during the 1970s in between the Formation of Human Genetics and the Eugenic Indication of Abortion
Heike Petermann:
Genetic Counseling in the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany (1945 to 1974). A Comparative Perspective
Panel III: Shaping the Development of Genetic Counseling in the US: Crosscurrents of Professionalization, Uncertainty, and Disability
Chair: Petra Fuchs
Robert Resta:
Colleagues, Conflicts, and Conciliations: Genetic Counsellors, Medical Geneticists, and the Historical Arc of The Genetic Counseling Profession
Marion Schmidt:
From Preventing Defect to Serving a Disadvantaged Minority: Genetic Counseling for Deaf People
Andrew J. Hogan:
Managing a Marginal Diagnosis: Genetic Counseling and the Expansion of Prenatal Testing
Adam Turner:
Genetic Counselors and Parent Advocates on Abortion and Disability, 1950-1990
Coffee break
Panel IV: Genetic Counseling behind the Iron Curtain
Chair: N.N.
Michal Simunek:
Genetic Counseling in the CSSR
Susanne Doetz:
“The Happiness of the Individual is of Primary Importance” - Genetic Counseling in the GDR
Comment: Jean Paul Gaudillière
Wednesday 3rd of February 2016
Genetic Counseling: Actors, Practice, and Methods
Panel I: Actors
Chair: N.N.
Yechiel Michael Barilan/Margherita Brusa:
Expanded Newborn Screening: Genetic Counseling at the Level of Public Health through the Prism of three Historical Case Studies
Mauro Capocci:
Catholic Counseling. Medical Genetics and the Church Approach
Birgit Nemec:
Risk, Prevention and Counseling in Human Genetic Screenings - Western Germany 1945-1980
Gabriele Moser:
Abortion and Sterilisation in Mecklenburg after WWII: Family Planning between Social Needs and Eugenics
Jörg Pittelkow:
Herbert Bach (1926 – 1996) – A Pioneer of Human Genetics in East Germany (GDR)
Panel II: Practice and Methods
Chair: N.N.
Ana Barahona:
Karyotyping and Genetic Counseling in Mexico in the 1960s
Shachar Zuckerman:
Challenging the Feminist Criticism of Genetic Counseling
Angus John Clarke:
Evolving Ideas around ‘non-directiveness’ in Genetic Counseling
Coffee break
Final Comment: Alexander von Schwerin
15:45-16:00 Uhr
Final Discussion
The workshop is kindly supported by the DFG.