MONDAY, 6 June 2016
10 am Frank Hadler (Leipzig) and Stefan Troebst (Leipzig) Opening Remarks
10.30 am -12 pm Lecture: Judith Miggelbrink (Leipzig):
Spatialization at Work ... in Border Transcending Medical Practices
1.30 pm – 5 pm Panel 1 – Placing Refugees: Migration as a Challenge to Spatial Orders
Chair: Jochen Lingelbach (Leipzig)
Katarzyna Nowak (Manchester): The Bizarre Case of a Polish Murderer on German Soil during the British occupation
Brett Spencer (New Orleans): A Compartmentalized World: Post-Colonial Voices in the Context of Urban and Global Migration
Felix Korts (München): The vulnerability of SIDS(small island developing states) in context of the anthropogenic climate change – an attempt of climate- and migration-ethical placing
Comment: Gilad Ben-Nun (Leipzig)
1.30 pm – 5 pm Reading Course
Discussion of the articles in the Summer School Reader with Matthias Middell
6 pm Reception, Centre for Area Studies (Thomaskirchhof 20)
TUESDAY, 7 June 2016
10 am – 12 am Round Table – Spaces of Violence in Latin America, Africa and Europe
Thomas Fischer (Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Claudio Lomnitz (New York), Heidrun Zinecker (Leipzig), Stefan Troebst (Leipzig), Geert Castryck (Leipzig)
Moderation: Michael Riekenberg (Leipzig)
1.30 pm – 5 pm Panel 2 – The French Revolution: Between Reform of Empire and Nation State Territorialization
Chair: Matthias Middell (Leipzig)
Matthias Middell (Leipzig): A Global Moment: The French Revolution’s New Spatial Formats
Megan Maruschke (Leipzig): The French Revolution and the Reorganization of Space in the Americas
Julia Oheim (Leipzig): Reforming Empire: Global Learning in the 18th Century
Comment: Alan Forrest (York)
1.30 pm – 5 pm Panel 3 – Security Challenges of Nation-States in a “Borderless” World
Chair: Liana Geghamyan (Leipzig) and Xue Wang (Leipzig)
Altynay Kulmyrzaeva (Leipzig): Sociocultural aspects of nation-building in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan
Lesley Branagan (Leipzig): Navigating the new frameworks of health care in contemporary urban India
Maria Enow Ayuk (Addis Ababa/Leipzig): EUAfrica border security challenges: issues for sustainable security
Maria Siemushyna (Strasbourg): Understanding the borders through understanding the languages: Languages as “symbolic borders” from the theoretical, institutional and individuals’ perspective on the example of the research in the city of Strasbourg
Comment: Katarina Ristic (Hamburg)
WEDNESDAY, 8 June 2016
9 am – 10.15 am Lecture
Tibor Frank (Budapest): The Drive Towards Ever-Changing Centers: Interwar Migration of Hungarian Scientists through Germany to the U.S.
Introduction: Frank Hadler (Leipzig)
10.30 am – 1 pm Panel 4 – Dis/orderly Frames? Respatialization of Violence in Latin America
Chair: Agustina Carrizo de Reimann (Leipzig)
Adèle Blazquez (Paris): Negociating in Criminalized Margins. The Implemantation of the Procede Reform in the Sierra of Badiraguato (Sinaloa, Mexico)
Agustina Carrizo de Reimann (Leipzig): Spaces of Anarchy: Reflection upon the Spatialization of Violence in Buenos Aires and México in the Eighteen Twenties
Gonzalo Compañy (Leipzig): Die Gewalt als Spur bei der Erforschung des Staatsterrors aus einer archäologischen Perspektive
Comment: Claudio Lomnitz (New York), Michael Riekenberg (Leipzig)
10.30 am – 1 pm Panel 5 – Veränderungen globaler Raumordnungen: Reaktionen von Geopolitikern, Kartographen, Verlegern und Bevölkerung, 1924 bis heute
Chair: Maximilian Georg (Leipzig)
Dirk Hänsgen (Leipzig): Raumordnungsideen in der "Zeitschrift für Geopolitik" zwischen den Weltkriegen
Nils Güttler (Zürich): Die Zeitmaschine: Der Frankfurter Flughafen und seine Region
Christian Lotz (Marburg): Eine Weltkarte in Zeiten des Kalten Krieges: Die sozialistische "Karta Mira"
Ninja Steinbach-Hüther (Leipzig), Thomas Efer (Leipzig): Datengetriebene Annäherung an Verräumlichungsprozesse. Verlage als internationale Akteure?
Comment: Frank Hadler (Leipzig), Ute Wardenga (Leipzig)
2 pm – 5 pm Panel 6 – Global Socialism: Rethinking Nation State and Empire since the 19th Century
Chair: Constantin Katsakioris (Paris/Bayreuth)
Convenor: Steffi Marung (Leipzig)
Steffi Marung (Leipzig): Rethinking socialist spatializations since the 19th century. Challenges and Potentials (Introduction)
Frank-Olivier Chauvin (Rouen): Cultural transfer and mediators from the French Revolution to the Young Turks revolution and connections among the French and ottomans socialists
Ramin Taghian (Wien) (tbc): Crossing the borders of socialism: The transnational dimension of the early socialist movement in
Iran during the constitutional revolution (1906-1911)
Anne-Kristin Hartmetz (Leipzig): "We have strong appetite in Soviet life", Images of Socialism in correspondences between
Ghanaians and the SSOD in Moscow, 1960 -1966
Brigitta Triebel (Leipzig): Culture as an argument? Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in Africa and Asia since the 1970s
Comment: Ulf Engel (Leipzig)
5 pm – 7 pm Lecture
Stefan Troebst (Leipzig): Bürgerkriegsflüchtlinge aus Griechenland und Strategien der Verteilung zu Beginn des Kalten Krieges (Lecture Series Series "Spaces of Migration – Eastern Europe in Comparison")
THURSDAY, 9 June 2016
Venue Strohsackpassage, Nikolaistraße 6-10, 5th floor
10 am – 12 pm Reports by the Panel Organizer and Final Discussion
Chair: Postdocs from the Collaborative Research
Centre (SFB 1199)