Thursday, 26th May
10h45 : Welcome and Introduction
11h00 – 12h30
Panel I: Communist Globalization?
Chair: Kim Christiaens (KU Leuven)
Wouter Linmans (Leiden): A revolutionary Robin Hood. Max Hölz (1889-1933) and the Dutch communist movement
Roel op 't Ende (Leiden): Dutch Campaigns for the Release of the Scottsboro Boys (1931)
Nicolas Lépine (Lakehead University): Belgian Solidarity during the Spanish Civil War
12h30 – 13h
Kasper Brasken (Åbo Akademi): Globalising Transnational Solidarity: Cultures, Movements and Practices of Communist Internationalism during the Interwar Period
13h-14h30: Lunch
14h30 – 16h
Panel II: From Europe to the Global South (1)
Chair: Pieter Lagrou (ULB)
Victor Fernandez (ULB): Human Rights Campaigns on behalf of Spain, 1960s-1970s
Kim Christiaens (KU Leuven): Inspired by the East? International Solidarity Movements in Cold War Belgium, 1950s-1960s
John Nieuwenhuys (ULB): Decolonizing Palestine: The Fedayeen and Human Rights in Belgian Solidarity, 1960s-1970s
16h : Coffee Break
16h15 – 17h45
Panel II: From Europe to the Global South (2)
Chair: Christophe Verbruggen (UGent)
Charel Roemer (ULB): Anti-Apartheid in Belgium and Germany: Comparative Approaches
Wouter Goedertier (KU Leuven): Belgian Students against Apartheid: Guilt in the University?
Benjamin Steegen (KU Leuven): Reinventing Indian Village Communities: Belgian Solidarity and the Representation of Beneficiaries (1970 - ...)
17h45: Coffee Break
18h – 19h
Panel II: From Europe to the Global South (3)
Chair: Charel Roemer (ULB)
Joren Janssens (VUB): The Quest for Solidarity without Victory: Constraining the Guatemalan Guerilla
Eline Van Ommen (LSE): Dutch Solidarity, Sandinista Nicaragua, and the Global Cold War (1981-1983)
Friday, 27th May
10h – 11h30
Panel III: Back to Europe? 1970s-1980s
Chair: John Nieuwenhuys (ULB)
Benoit Bastin (ULG): Belgian Mobilizations to support the British Miner’s strike (1984-1985)
Idesbald Goddeeris (KU Leuven): Solidarity with the Eastern Bloc: A Comparison of Hungary in the late 1950s with Poland in the early 1980s
11h30: Coffee Break
11h45 – 13h15
Panel IV: Solidarity without territory?
Chair: Idesbald Goddeeris (KU Leuven)
Paul Van Trigt (Leiden): Dutch Disability Activism and the Human Rights Revolution since the 1970s
Giselle Nath (UGent): Consumer rights, Western Approaches and postcolonial Tensions (1960-2000)
Peter van Dam (UVA): In search of a postcolonial Marketplace: The transnational History of Fair Trade, 1964-1997.
13h15 – 13h45 : Final Discussion
13h45 – 15h : Lunch