The German Historical Institute, Washington, DC (GHI) invites proposals for conferences and workshops to be organized in cooperation with the GHI to be held in the 2017/2018 academic year. We seek not only proposals in the GHI’s core areas of research (including German, U.S., and transatlantic history as well as the history of knowledge) but also proposals involving new topics of exploration and new approaches to historical research (such as digital history).
The GHI, an institute of the Max Weber Foundation, is committed to fostering international scholarly dialogue and supporting advanced historical research. Toward those ends, it offers doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships for archival research, runs transatlantic seminars for graduate students, and organizes upwards of twenty international conferences, symposia, and workshops every year. This call for conference proposals is a new initiative aimed at systematizing and expanding the GHI’s collaboration with scholars and institutions in North America and Europe. With this system in place, the GHI will no longer consider conference proposals on an ad hoc basis.
To be eligible to submit a conference or workshop proposal to the GHI, scholars must already have their PhD and must be affiliated with a university in the United States, Canada, or Germany. Proposals may be submitted in either English or German, but the conference language must be English. To ensure as broad and diverse a pool of potential participants as possible, the GHI insists that a call for papers be issued.
The GHI generally does not cover 100 percent of conference costs. Applicants are strongly encouraged to have secured at least provisional funding commitments toward the conference costs from their home institutions or other sources. Once a proposal has been approved, we look forward to finalizing the conference planning in collaboration with the applicant(s).
Applicants can find information about the GHI’s research program and conferences on its website,
The proposal must include:
1. The completed application form [], including a projected budget.
2. A description of the proposed conference topic (1500 words maximum) that:
- sets the topic in historiographic context;
- explains how the conference is expected to contribute to research on the topic and how it will open new perspectives on the topic;
- lists the names and affiliations of potential participants (this will not take the place of a call for papers).
The deadline for proposals for the 2017/2018 academic year is August 1, 2016. Proposals may be in English or German: applicants are strongly encouraged to use the language in which they are most proficient. We can accept applications in electronic form only. After completing the online application form, please submit your proposal as a single PDF file to
All applicants will be notified in mid-November 2016 of the result of their application. A call for proposals for the 2018/2019 academic year will be announced in the spring of 2017.
For inquiries, please contact