Thursday, 15 September 2016
17.00-17.30: Conference Opening by Susan Zimmermann, ITH President, and representatives of our cooperation partners
17.30-19.00: Keynote Lecture: Andrea Komlosy (University of Vienna): Chains of Labour: Connecting Labour History and the Commodity Chain Paradigm
19.00-20.00: Welcome Reception
20.00-21.00: Award of the René Kuczynski Prize 2016 for outstanding publications in the field of social and economic history
Friday, 16 September 2016
8.30-10.00: Panel I: Primary Production (Chair and comment: tba)
- Ernst Langthaler (Johannes Kepler University Linz): Global Soy Commodity Chains and Regional Agricultural Labour Relations in the 20th Century: Northeast China, USA and Brazil in Comparison
- Rolf Bauer (University of Vienna): The Peasant Production of Opium in 19th Century India
- Uwe Spiekermann (University of Göttingen): Labour Shortage as Task and Challenge: The Hawaiian and Californian Sugar Industry in the Late 19th Century
10.00-10.30: Coffee Break
10.30-12.00: Panel II: Metal and Mining (Chair and comment: tba)
- Erich Landsteiner (University of Vienna): The Relations of Production in the Steel Production of the Innerberg District (Upper Austria/Styria) in the 16th Century – an Analysis in the Light of the Commodity Chain Approach
- Chris Evans (University of South Wales), Linn Holmberg (Uppsala University), Måns Jansson (Uppsala University), Göran Rydén (Uppsala University): What was Steel in the Eighteenth Century? Commodity Chains and Knowledge Flows in Northern Europe
- Miroslav Lacko (Slovak Society of Social and Economic History, Limbach): Problems of Proto-Industrial Logistics in the Distribution of East-Central European Copper Production on the Global Markets of the 18th Century
12.30-15.45: Guided tour to BMW Steyr Plant
16.00-18.00: Panel III: Long-term and Transregional Perspectives (Chair and comment: tba)
- Christof Jeggle (Bamberg): Product Lines and Production Markets: Analysing Labour Relations in Pre-Industrial Production and Distribution
- Heide Gerstenberger (University of Bremen): On the Political Economy of Capitalist Labour Relations in the Era of Globalization
- Klemens Kaps (University of Vienna): Commodity Chains and Labour Relations in a Peripheral Region: A Longue Durée Perspective on Habsburg Galicia, 1772-1918
- Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz (University of Maryland, College Park): Mapping Commodity Chains Over the Long 20th Century: Networks, Elites and Labour
- Zdeněk Nebřenský (Masaryk Institute and Archive of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague): Commodity Chains and Transformation of Industrial Space: The Case of Cotton Mills in the Bohemian Lands during the Gründerzeit
19.00-21.00: Public event (in German): Güterketten und Arbeitsverhältnisse: Gewerkschaftspolitik im globalisierten Standortwettbewerb
Saturday, 17 September 2016
10.00-12.00: Panel IV: Flows of Production and Upgrading Strategies (Chair and comment: tba)
- Santosh Hasnu (University of Delhi): Labour Circulation through Transport Systems
- Christin Bernhold (University of Zurich): Argentinean Soy Chains, Upgrading, and Uneven Development: Incorporating Marxian Theory of Value into Chain Research
- Rachel Kurian (International Institute of Social Studies/Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Hague), K.J. Joseph (Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvanathapuram), Karin Astrid Siegmann (International Institute of Social Studies/Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Hague), P.K. Viswanathan (Gujarat Institute of Development Research): Workers’ Wages and Welfare in the Tea Commodity Chain: The Role of Fair Trade Certification
- Franziska Ollendorf (University of Giessen / Université de Toulouse-Jean Jaurès): Governing through CSR – Linking Institutional Transformation and Private Governance in the Cocoa Value Chain
- Johanna Sittel (University of Jena): (Re)Production of Informal Work in the Automotive Value Chain in Argentina
12.00-13.30: Lunch
13.30-15.30: Panel V: Workers’ Agency and Labour Struggle (Chair and comment: tba)
- Frank Meyer (Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library, Oslo): The Emergence of Transnational Labour Resistance against Exploitation and Commodification in the Global Aluminum Industry, 1965-2015
- Michaela Doutch (University of Bonn): The Movement of Cambodian Garment Workers: Labour Agency Potential in the Global Garment Production Network
- Oliver Pye (Bonn University): Global Production Networks and Transnational Organising in the Palm Oil Industry
- Marek Čanĕk (Multicultural Centre Prague), Devi Sacchetto (University of Padua), Rutvica Andrijasevic (University of Bristol): From Socialist to Multinational Electronics Production: The Case of Foxconn in Eastern Europe
15.30-16.00: Coffee break
16.00-17.00: Concluding Debate (Chair: tba)
17.30-19.00: Guided historical tours in Steyr