5 December 2016
17:15: Opening
17:30: Introduction: Katrin Stoll (Warsaw) and Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe (Berlin)
18:00: Key-Note: Omer Bartov (Brown University): Denationalizing and Transnationalizing Holocaust Perpetrators: The View from Below
19:30: Dinner
6 December 2016
9:00-10:30: Challenging the Germano-centric approach to the Holocaust. Towards a multi-faceted perspective on the Holocaust
Chair and commentary: Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe (Berlin)
David Silberklang (Jerusalem): In the Eyes of the Beholder: The Complexion of the Shoah in the Lublin District
Christoph Dieckmann (Frankfurt): Old Questions, Old Methods, New Sources: New Results on Lithuania under German Occupation 1941-1944
10:30-11:00: Coffee break
11:30-14:00: Chair and commentary: Katrin Stoll (Warsaw)
Nicolas Berg (Leipzig): German Historians and the Conceptualizations of the Holocaust, 1945 to 1990
Moshe Zimmermann (Jerusalem): The Holocaust in Post-Unification German Historiography
14:00-15:30: Lunch
15:30-17:30: New Approaches to the Holocaust in Poland
Chair and commentary: Antony Polonsky (Brandeis University)
Franziska Bruder (Berlin): Escapes from Deportation Trains: Critical Reflections on new Aspects of Jewish resistance
Joshua Zimmerman (New York): The AK, the Delegate's Bureau, and the Jews: What do the Sources Reveal?
Elżbieta Janicka (Warsaw): Bystanders or Participating observers? The German Project and the Local Contexts in Occupied Poland
17:30-18:00: Coffee break
18:00-20:00: Ukraine: Investigating and Representing the Holocaust in Ukraine
Chair and commentary: Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe (Berlin)
Kai Struve (Halle): Anti-Jewish violence in Western Ukraine in summer 1941 – German and Ukrainian perpetrators
Anatoly Podolsky (Kiev): Exploring, Teaching and Debating the Holocaust in Ukraine since the 1990s
Olga Baranova (Vienna): Memory of the Holocaust in Ukraine and Belorussia
7 December 2016
9:00-11:00: Representing and Debating the Holocaust in Poland
Chair and commentary: Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska (Warsaw)
Joanna Michlic (London): Memory of the Holocaust at the Crossroads: Poland 2016
Hannah Wilson (Nottingham Trent University): The Re-conceptualization of Sobibór Memorial Site
Annika Wienert (Warsaw): Holocaust-related Art from Poland in National and Transnational Contexts
11:00-11:30: Coffee Break
11:30-14:00: Lithuania: Investigating the Holocaust beyond the Lithuanian nationalist and Germano-centric narratives
Chair and commentary: Saulius Sužiedėlis (Millersville University)
Stanislovas Stasiulis (Vilnius): The Holocaust in Lithuanian Historiography: Myths, problems and future perspectives
Milda Jakulytė-Vasil (Amsterdam/Vilnius): Atlas of the Lithuania Holocaust
14:00-15:00: Lunch
15:00-16:00: Lithuania: Investigating the Holocaust beyond the Lithuanian nationalist and Germano-centric narratives
Ruta Vanagaite (Vilnius): The Motivation [of the shooters] to Kill; The Motivation [of Lithuanian governments] to Conceal the Crimes
Efraim Zuroff (Jerusalem): Holocaust Distortion in Post-Communist Eastern Europe: The Example of Lithuania
16:00: Dan Michman (Jerusalem): Commentary on the panels and final discussion
Chair: Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe (Berlin) and Katrin Stoll (Warsaw)