9:00 am–9:15 am Registration
9:15 am–9:30 am Welcome /Opening Remarks
Adam Jones and Geert Castryck (U Leipzig)
I. constructing territoriality
9:30 am–10:45 am
Chair: Maximilian Georg (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, Leipzig)
Henri Médard (Aix-Marseille U /IMAf)
Lake People (Basese), Clan Protest and Colonial Territorial Rule in the Kingdom of Buganda (1886–1924)
Bas De Roo (U Leipzig)
The Making of a Territorial Order in the Belgian Congo: the Case of the M’Bomu Basin (1910–1932)
Discussant: Dmitri van den Bersselaar (U Leipzig)
II. political imaginations
11:15 am–12:30 pm
Chair: Anne-Kristin Hartmetz (U Leipzig)
Aidan Russell (Graduate Institute Geneva /U Cambridge)
The Inevitable Borders: Rwanda, Burundi and the Political Imagination of Secession
Miles Larmer (U Oxford)
Nation-making at the Border: Zambian Diplomacy in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Discussant: Steffi Marung (U Leipzig)
III. mobility and identity
1:30 pm–3:15 pm
Chair: Bas De Roo (U Leipzig)
David Maxwell (U Cambridge)
Free Slaves, Christian Modernity and Ethnic Imagination in Katanga, Belgian Congo
Geert Castryck (U Leipzig)
Bordering the Lake: Transcending Spatial Orders in Kigoma-Ujiji
Gillian Mathys (U Ghent)
Re(b)ordering Space: Fixing Mobility and the Territorialization of Identities in the Lake Kivu Region (19th–20th Century)
Discussant: Adam Jones (U Leipzig)
IV. conceptualizing spatial experiences
3:45 pm–5:00 pm
Chair: Megan Maruschke (U Leipzig)
Margot Luyckfasseel (U Ghent)
The Road as Actant: A New Materialist Approach to Colonial Space
Achim von Oppen (U Bayreuth)
Moving Along, Moving Across, Moving in Time: Linear Geographies, Translocal Practices and the Making of the Zambia — Angola Border (c. 1890 to 1950)
Discussant: Bas De Roo (U Leipzig)
5:00 pm–6:00 pm Closing Summary / General Discussion
Geert Castryck (U Leipzig)