General information
Interdisciplinary investigations about the processes of transformation in a crucial period of human history, 15.000 till 1 BCE, are the task of the CRC 1266 “Scales of Transformation: Human-Environmental Interaction in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies” (funding by DFG 2016-2020). The long-term perspective from late Pleistocene hunter-gatherers to early state societies allows the project team to confront transformational processes in a wide array of societal formations and environmental settings. Here, transformations will be defined primarily as processes leading to a substantial and enduring re-organisation of socio-environmental interaction patterns. Inside the network of components determining the social behaviour, gender adopts a dominant role in many societies. Therefore, a strong interaction between gender identities, social diversity and transformation processes can also be expected for prehistoric and archaic societies.
With the workshop we want to provide a platform to stimulate discussions on a) gender transformations in the past and b) the effects of gender inequality on scientific discourses in our research community.
Issues of the workshop sessions
The workshop is organized along three sessions addressing specific issues of “GenderTransformations”. We kindly invite papers for the following topics:
- Tracing GenderTransformations
Focus of this session is the influence of transformation processes on gender relations and roles and also on the active and passive impact of social groups on transformation processes. Topics might be case studies about Neolithic transition, technological transfers and metallurgy, urbanisation, migration and mobility, economic change or social inequalities. We invite contributions that address questions such as: In how far is it possible to trace gender aspects in the archaeological records? Which effect might gender roles and identities have had on crucial developments of humankind, or vice versa? What are the tools and methods to trace gender aspects in the field of archaeological studies? How could social categories in prehistoric and archaic societies like gender and age be uncovered for example in chronological studies, space or agent-based modelling, past economic activities or bioarchaeological analysis?
- Gendering shaping environment
Based on the assumption that different social groups interact with the environment in dissimilar ways, we will ask for the gender relevance of environmental behaviour in prehistoric and archaic societies. Subjects of discussion could be spatial differences, mobility patterns, admission regulation to resources or gender typical landscape management. It could be asked which effects gender roles and identities might have in shaping the environment, or vice versa.
- Gendering fieldwork
Research about the past is always influenced by the societal frame in which it is carried out. Thus, the focus of this block is on the gendered situation at fieldworks. Questions for discussions are gender sensitive field methods, differences in the approach and field equipment by female, male and queer researchers, structural (in)equality at fieldwork or child care problems. We especially ask for contributions from archaeology and geosciences.
We welcome podium and poster presentations. The talks should have a length of about 20 min (+ 10 min discussion). The organisers reserve the right to suggest a change from announced talks to posters if there are too many proposals for a session. Workshop language is English.
Deadline for talk and poster registration is 30 September, please ask about the form, see below for contact. Abstract submission deadline is 31 October, 2017.
The invitation including programme and registration form will be available from November 2017, registration will be open until 10 February, 2018.
Conference fees include book of abstracts, a conference bag and refreshments during the breaks. The CRC offers financial support for young scientist as presenting authors (students, PhD students and PostDocs; talk or poster). Informations to applying for a travel grant see contact. Childcare can be provided for free with advance notice.
Venue & further information
The workshop will take place at Kiel University. Further information and relevant updates will soon be provided on the CRC website <>.