Chair of Modern History at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany | Franz Vranitzky Chair for European Studies, University of Vienna
9:00 Begrüßung - Welcome Speeches
Oliver Rathkolb (Head of the Department of Contemporary History at the University of Vienna, Austria)
Silke Satjukow (Department of History at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
Anna Kaminsky (Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship in Berlin, Germany)
Franz Vranitzky (Bundeskanzler a. D. - Former Austrian Chancellor, Vienna, Austria)
9:45 Einführung - Introduction
Dieter Segert (Chair for Transformation Processes in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe at the University of Vienna, Austria)
Rainer Gries (Franz Vranitzky Chair for European Studies at the University of Vienna, Austria)
10:00 Kaffeepause - Coffee Break
10:30 I. Panel (English)
Phänomenologie und Politik der "Jugo- und Tito-Nostalgie"
Phenomenology and Politics of "Yugo- and Tito-Nostalgia"
Moderation - Chair: Silvia Nadjivan
(Franz Vranitzky Chair for European Studies at the University of Vienna, Austria)
Cultural and Media Memory. Yugoslavia as the Image of Yugoslavia among the Young Generation
Nataša Simeunović Bajić (Department of Cultural Theory and Political Science at the John Naisbitt University, Belgrade, Serbia)
Yugo-Nostalgia. Pride and Prejudice
Irena Ristić (Resource Centre for Research Support, Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Belgrade, Serbia)
Yugoslavia after Yugoslavia. Graffiti about Yugoslavia in Post-Yugoslav Urbanscape
Mitja Velikonja (Center for Cultural and Religious Studies at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Living and Rocking in the Best of All Worlds. Longing for Communist Yugoslavia
Zlatko Jovanovic (Research Centre "The many Roads in Modernity" at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
12:30 Mittagessen - Lunch Break
13:30 II. Panel (German)
Europäische und generationelle Vergleichshorizonte
European and Generational Comparative Perspectives
Moderation - Chair: Rainer Gries
Ostdeutschland als Sonderfall beim Rückblick auf die staatssozialistische Periode. Die DDR in der öffentlichen Darstellung sowie in der Erinnerung und Aneignung heutiger ostdeutscher Generationen - Eastern Germany as an Exceptional Case in the Historical View of the Era of State Socialism. The GDR in the Public Light and in the Memory and Appropriation of Today’s Eastern German Generations
Thomas Ahbe (Social Scientist and Publicist, Leipzig, Germany)
Dreams of USSR 2.0 – Kommunismusutopien junger Mitglieder der russischen Organisation "The Essence of Time" - Dreams of USSR 2.0 – Communist Utopias of Young Members of the Russian Organisation "The Essence of Time"
Anke Giesen (Department of History of Modern Times (19th-21st Century) at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany)
Zwischen Sehnsucht und Ablehnung. Die Erinnerung an den Kommunismus im postkommunistischen Polen - Between Longing and Refusal. Memories of Communism in Post-Communist Poland
Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska (Institute of Contemporary Culture at the University of Łódź, Poland)
Bezugnahmen in der sowjetischen Vergangenheit bei den jungen Erwachsenen im gegenwärtigen Russland - References in the Soviet Past among Young Adults in Contemporary Russia
Anna Schor-Tschudnowskaja (Faculty of Psychology at the Sigmund Freud Private University, Vienna, Austria)
Sehnsuchtsort Kommunismus als touristisches Produkt. Konsumenten und Anbieter von "Communism Tours" in der Slowakei - Locus of Longing. Tourist Product Communism. Consumers and Guides Giving "Communism Tours" in Slovakia
Sabine Stach (German Historical Institute Warsaw, Max Weber Foundation, Poland)
15:30 Kaffeepause - Coffee Break
16:00 III. Panel (English)
Alternativen zum neoliberalen Kapitalismus der Gegenwart: Hat der "Kommunismus" doch eine Zukunft?
Alternatives to Present-Day Neoliberal Capitalism: Does "Communism" Have a Future?
Moderation - Chair: Dieter Segert
Soviet Communism Has Discredited All Humanist Alternatives. What Might Be Done?
Jörn Schütrumpf (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung in Berlin, Germany)
The "Woman Question" in Transition. Between Socialist Experience and Future Prospects
Leda Sutlovic (Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna, Austria)
Serbia’s Retrogressing Democracy
Ivana Spasić (Department of Sociology at the University of Belgrade, Serbia)
Arguments of Anti-Communism and Anti-Capitalism in Contemporary Romania
Enikö Vincze (Department of International Relations at the Babeș Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Final Discussion and Closing Words
Anschlussveranstaltung - Ensuing Panel Discussion:
Podiumsdiskussion in deutscher Sprache zum Thema "Erinnerungen an die DDR in Österreich", moderiert von Oliver Rathkolb, Vorstand des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte.
Panel discussion on the subject of "Memories of the GDR in Austria" moderated by Oliver Rathkolb, Head of the Institute for Contemporary History (in German).