Thursday, 21st June
Welcoming Addresses
13:00 Stefan Müller-Stach (Vice President for Research and Early Career Academics)
13:15 Jörg Rogge (Research Unit Historical Cultural Sciences)
Section 1: We and the Others – Affiliation, Membership, Discrimination
Moderation: Sigrid Rieuwerts
13:30 Bert Carlstrom (London): Inclusion through Hegemony. Hernando de Talavera’s (1438?-1507) Conditional Inclusion of New Christians
14:20 Laura Tarkka-Robinson (Sussex): ’Interesting only to German feelings’? The construction of culture specific characteristics in the English Reception of J.G. Zimmermann
15:10 Coffee Break
15:25 Stefanie Affeldt (Heidelberg): Whitening Sugar. Culinary Inclusion and Exclusion in Australia
16:15 Christin Hansen (Regensburg): Historical stereotypes and the question of identity and affiliations
17:05 Concluding Discussion Section 1
Section 2: “... and you are out!” – Semantics and Narratives of InExclusion
17:35 Peter D’Sena (Hertfordshire/ London): ‘Race‘, Racism and Identity in Herge’s Adventures of Tintin
18:30 Jörg Rogge (Mainz): Cultures of Participation. Introduction of the Research Group “InExclusion in History and Literature”
19:30 Reception
Friday, 22nd June
Moderation: Jörg Rogge
09:00 Tabea Ligeia Meurer (Mainz): Belonging, at last. Rehabilitations of later Roman senators and their monumentalization at the Roman Forum of Trajan as a phenomenon of inclusion
09:50 Ulrich Breuer (Mainz): Bärenkräfte. Der ungeschickte Deutsche in Lili’s Park
10:40 Coffee Break
10:55 Andrey Ryazhev (Togliatti, Russian Federation): "Since you have become servants of Allah...”: Muslim identity in religious polemics on the south-eastern borders of the Russian Empire (late 80's – early 90's of the 18th century)
11:45 Bryan Anthony C. Paraiso (Manila, Philippines): Inclusion/Exclusion in the Authorized Heritage. Narratives of Philippine History Museums
12:35 Concluding Discussion Section 2
13:05 Lunch Break
Section 3: Enclosure, Expulsion, Sorting – Practises and Processes of InExclusion
Moderation: N.N.
14:20 Martin Schneider (Konstanz): Exklusion und Legitimation. Stratifikatorische Macht in Konrads von Würzburg Heinrich von Kempten
15:10 Timothy Attanucci (Mainz): All Inclusive? Wealth and Melancholy in the Chapbook Fortunatus (1509)
16:00 Coffee Break
16:15 Daniel Schrader (Regensburg): Costs of an insiders’ space. Inclusion and exclusion practices of Samara’s city councillors during the Russian Revolution and Civil War, 1917-1918.
17:05 Evy Johanne Håland (Bergen): Inclusion and Exclusion during the Religious Rituals of the Anastenarides in Greece
17:55 Concluding Discussion
Saturday, 23rd June
Moderation: N.N.
09:00 Benjamin Schmid (München): Selbstexklusion durch Scham. Über eine Grundlage politischer Ordnungsformen
09:50 Alison E. Martin (Reading): Common Knowledge: Science, Translation and the Politics of Inclusion
10:40 Coffee Break
11:10 Concluding Discussion Section 3: Subsequently: Final Discussion of the Conference
12:30 End of the Conference