Thursday, 5 July 2017
09:00 – 11:00 Registration
11:00 – 11:30 Welcome Address (Room X-B2-103)
Thomas Welskopp, Deputy Director of the BGHS
Annual Seminar Organizing Team
11:30 – 13:00 Keynote Lecture
Srikala Naraian (Columbia University): A Transnational Approach to Inclusive Education: Addressing the Imperative for Intersectionality
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:30
Panel I: Disability and Education, Chair: Susan Krause (Bielefeld)
Frederico Magalhães Costa (Bahia): The Different Faces of Student’s Inclusion and Exclusion in Legal Education System
Kenjiro Sakakibara (Tokyo): The Attribution of Social Exclusion and Disability Theory
Sebastian Schlund (Kiel): Inclusion and Exclusion in West German Disabled Sports (1950-1990)
Emile Akangoa Adumpo (Berlin): Regional Inequality of Education in Ghana. The Dilemma of a Policy Response to a Social Exclusion
Panel II: Construction of Spaces and the Role of the Local, Chair: Edvaldo de Aguiar Portela Moita (Bielefeld)
Patricia Ward (Boston): Working to Include - or Exclude the “Vulnerable”? The Role of Aid Workers’ Constructions of “the Local” in Shaping Aid Distribution Processes, the Case of Jordan
Beyza Topuz (Istanbul): Social Exclusion via Spatial Expulsion in the Neighborhoods of Early Eighteenth Century Istanbul
Simon Yin (Beijing): Exclusion in Xinjiang. Focusing on the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30
Panel III: Integration and Segregation, Chair: Sisay Megersa Dirirsa (Bielefeld)
Jagger Andersen Kirkby (Lund): Segregation and Sentiment: The Emotional Practices of Apartheid, 1948-1990
Leila Tabatabaie Yazdi (Tehran): The Excluded Heritage: People’s Art -The Missing Link in the Evolution of lslamic Art History
Vivek Kumar Yadav (Indore): Counting Miscounts in Democratic Politics
Chair: Sisay Megersa Dirirsa (Bielefeld)
Panel IV: Urbanization and Its Problems, Chair: Dominik Hofmann (Bielefeld)
Gabriel Ferreira da Fonseca (São Paulo): Inclusion and Exclusion in the Brazilian Housing Finance System: A Reconstruction of the Tensions between Law and Economy
Mikhail Garder (Moscow): Exclusion and Inclusion as Fluid Categories: the Ethnography of Moscow’s Homeless
Helena Cermeno Mediavilla (Kassel): Processes of Inclusion and Exclusion within the Urban Development and Improvement of the Lahore’s Androon Shehr
18:00 – 18:30 Artist’s Talk on the Key Visual
Marta Beauchamp (Bielefeld): [Inclusion]Exclusion[
Friday, 06 July
09:30 – 11:00 Keynote Lecture
Janine Dahinden (University of Neuchâtel): The Making of National Societies: Borders, Boundaries and Migrant Inclusion and Exclusion in a Transnational Perspective
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00
Panel V: Migration and Ethnicity, Chair: Johanna Paul (Bielefeld)
Sylvia Agbih (Bielefeld): Epistemic Potential of the Inclusion - Exclusion Binary in the Ethical Reflection of Health Inequalities? The Example of Refugees in the German Healthcare System
Joana de Sousa Ribeiro (Coimbra): The Mo(ve)ment to be ‘In’: A Time Path Analysis of Overstayed Migrants’ Inclusion
Magali Alloatti (Florianópolis): Ethnicity in the Context of Migration: A Sociological Discussion of Identity, Groups and Boundaries
Alexandra Ridgway (Hong Kong): Living In-Between Inclusion and Exclusion: The Precarious Everyday Lives of Spousal Visa Holders in Hong Kong and Melbourne, Australia
Panel VI: Revolution and Nation, Chair: Aziz Elmuradov (Bielefeld)
Meghan Tinsley (Boston): Remembering the Empire, Unsettling the Nation
Dorothee Kuckhoff (Dortmund): Language as a Barrier to Political Participation
Daniel Schrader (Regensburg): lnstitutionalization as Performative Community-Building. lnclusion and Exclusion Strategies of Samara’s City Councillors during the Russian Revolution and Civil War, 1917-1918
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:30 Keynote Lecture
Rudolf Stichweh (University of Bonn): Inclusion Revolutions and the Emergence of Modernity
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30
Panel VII: Systems Theoretical Approaches, Chair: Christopher Thornhill (Manchester)
Roberto Dutra Torres Junior (Campos dos Goytacazes)/Emerson Ferreira Rocha (Brasília): lnclusion, Exclusion and Religion in the Life-Trajectories of Low Status People in Brazil
Pedro Henrique Ribeiro (Frankfurt): Scandal and Invisibility: Inclusion/Exclusion, Human Rights and the Effectiveness of Law
Alberto Cevolini (Modena): Data-Driven Exclusion: Practices and Challenges in Contemporary Society
Mariana Farias Silva (& Artur Stamford Da Silva) (Recife): Prostitution in Latin America: Observations from the Perspective of Systems Theory of Niklas Luhmann
Panel VIII: Memory and Discourse, Chair: Daniele Toro (Bielefeld)
Piotr Kuligowski (Poznań): Peasants and Proletarians: the Dimensions of Inclusion and their Limitations in the Discourse of the Polish Radicals (1830s-1850s)
Yoko Haraoka (Tokyo): Kizuna: Instrument of Inclusion/Exclusion after the Catastrophe of Fukushima 3/11
Brahim Benmoh (El Jadida): History and (Post-)9/11: Dynamics of lnclusions & Exclusions
Saturday, 07 July
9:30 – 11:00
Panel IX: Labor Market and Working Conditions Chair: Rodrigo Mota (Recife)
Laura Knöpfel (London): Inclusion and Exclusion in Light of Material Spatiality: Global Supply Chain Capitalism and Women
Kathrin Mittelstaet (Bielefeld): lnclusion Concepts in Activating Labour Market Policy in Germany and Sweden
Xi Chen (Hamden): Job Loss Gender Gap and Occupational Segregation
Panel X: Epistemic Dominance, Chair: Zoltán Boldizsár Simon (Bielefeld)
Artem Kachurin (Budapest): Knowledge Production, Normalization and Social Changes in the Sixteen-Century England
Ismail Frouini (El Jadida): (Re)Writing the Post-colonial Moroccan History: Prison Testimonies and Political Prisoners Perspectives
Ksenia Eltsova (Moscow): Digital Spaces of Elitism: Discursive Construction of social distinction in Russian New Media
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00 Concluding Round Table, Moderator: Sabine Schäfer, Executive Manager of the BGHS
13:00 End of Conference