13.30 Registration/Coffee
14.00 Welcome and Introduction
Welcome by the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences
of TU Darmstadt, Prof. Jens Steffek
Dieter Schott: Expectations and perspectives for the workshop
„GIS and the City“
I. City – Hinterland – Environment
Chair: Gerrit Schenk, History Dep., TU Darmstadt
14.20 Step by step backwards in time: Revealing Vienna’s historical
Danube river landscape by GIS
Severin Hohensinner (Vienna, Austria)
14.40 Jenseits der Mauer. Zur Raumstruktur frühneuzeitlicher städtischer Landwirtschaft [Beyond the walls: On Spatial Structures of Early Modern Urban Agriculture]
Olaf März (Bremen, Germany)
15.00 Foodscape and the “spatial turn”: the GIS approach to sustainability
Nadia Fava/Marta Carrasco/ Romà Garrido (Girona, Spain)
15.20 Discussion
15.45 Coffee Break
II. City as a Social Web
Chair: Christian Hickel, Geodaetics Dep., TU Darmstadt
16.00 GIStorical Antwerp: travelling back in time with a socio-spatial reconstruction of Antwerp (1584 – 1984)
Iason Jongepier/Rogier van Kooten (Antwerp, Belgium)
16.20 GIS: advantages and pitfalls of a spatial correlations explorer tool. Reflections about two Parisian case studies
Léa Hermenault (Paris, France)
16.40 DA_GIS. Filling the voids in the recent history of Darmstadt
Wolfgang Moschek (Darmstadt, Germany)
17.00 Discussion
17.20 Coffee Break
III. City as a Social Web (2)
Chair: Sebastian Haumann, History Dep., Darmstadt
17.30 Villux X – Mapping the topographical change of the city of Luxembourg and its socio-economic structure
Simon Schneider (Luxemburg)
17.50 Social differentiation and spatial patterns in a multiethnic city in
the 19th century
Gabor Demeter (Budapest, Hungary)
18.10 Discussion
18.45 Keynote: Reconstructing the Past: Mapping Edinburgh’s Social History
Richard Rodger (Edinburgh, Great Britain)
20.00 Conference Dinner
IV. GIS in Public History
Chair: Detlev Mares, History Dep., TU Darmstadt
9.00 ‚Unsichtbare Orte‘ [Invisible Places]: Exploring the city with co-creative strategies of education
Kathrin Schön (Frankfurt, Germany)
9.20 A map-based historical encyclopedia of Stuttgart
Katharina Ernst (Stuttgart, Germany)
9.40 Discussion
10.00 GIS Marketplace (Poster Presentations + Coffee Break)
V. ‚Brave New GIStory‘
Chair: Wolfgang Moschek, History Dep., TU Darmstadt
10.40 Digitising cadastral data: a source edition for GIS-based urban research in a European perspective
Daniel Stracke (Münster, Germany)
11.00 Historical GIS – What’s the point (x, y)?
Alexander von Luenen (Huddersfield, Great Britain)
11.20 Discussion
11.30 Round-Table: historical GIS and urban history: benefits and pitfalls
(Vadim Oswalt, Gießen; Sabine Bartsch, Darmstadt; Mirjana Ristic, Darmstadt; Germany)
12.30 Closing Remarks
12.40 Lunch Reception
14.00 (optional) GIS-assisted city tour
of Darmstadt