Making and Re-Making Europe: Central and Eastern European Perspectives

Making and Re-Making Europe: Central and Eastern European Perspectives

Center for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto
Vom - Bis
09.11.2018 -
Center for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies - University of Toronto

The Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (CERES) at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto is organizing a two-day conference in honour of the 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia.

The founding of Czechoslovakia in 1918 inscribes itself within a series of events that marked the end of World War One and that influenced the history of the world, Europe, and particularly of Centralm Southeastern, and Eastern Europe. With the centenary of these events, an opportunity arises to reflect on the meaning, impact, and legacy that they had, and continue to have, in the region.

This conference aims to contribute to the discussion on these topics by exploring the following questions:

Panel 1: Consolidation of States and Ideology
Panelists are asked to explore the factors that led to the emergence of Austro-Hungarian successor states, and the issues of transition faced by these newly formed states, as well as to the movements that promoted independence during World War I. Additionally, panelists will discuss how the success or failure of these states related to the larger European political scene in the inter-war period, particularly regarding the merits and failings of democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the emergence and impact of fascist and communist ideologies.

Panel 2: The Evolution of the Nation-State in “Wilsonian” Central Europe
Panelists will discuss the impact of World War II and Nazi occupation and hegemony in Central Europe, and how the war altered Central European nationalism domestically and internationally into the post-war period.

Panel 3: Understanding Socialism and its Legacies
In regard to the failed revolts against socialist regimes in Hungary in 1956, Czechoslovakia in 1968, and Poland in 1956, 1968, and 1970, Milan Kundera wrote that each of these regimes “could not have defended itself for more than three hours if it had not been backed by Russia.” (Milan Kundera, “The Tragedy of Central Europe,” The New York Review of Books vol. 31 no. 7 (April 1984).) Panelists are asked to debate whether socialism truly could have been reformed in Central Europe had the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union not intervened? How does this recent socialist past affect contemporary Central European politics?

Panel 4: Central European Communities Abroad
Panelists will outline how Central and Eastern Central European immigrants and diasporas have influenced North America and North American culture, and how the new environment and reasons for emigrating, in turn, influenced their cultures.

To apply, please send a 250-300-word abstract specifying which panel you are interested in taking part in, as well as a short bio to by July 30, 2018. Selected presenters will be notified by July 30th. The selected presenters will be asked to prepare a working paper (10 pages without citations, 12pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced) that must be submitted by September 14th. Presenters are also invited to attend mirroring academic panels the day prior (November 8th, 2018).

Students enrolled in MA or PhD programs during the 2018-2019 academic year will be given preference. Additionally, preference will be given to presentations that include the use of visual materials in the form of video, photographs, powerpoint or other visual aids. Finally, preference will be given to presenters working with Czech, Slovak, or Czechoslovak related topics. Costs for travel and accommodation are covered by the Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at the Munk School of Global Affairs for students traveling from outside of Toronto. Submissions from disciplines other than History are welcome.

Please e-mail any questions to Anna Herran and Duncan Eaton at



Anna Herran and Duncan Eaton

1 Devonshire Place
Toronto, ON