European Borderlands, Remembrance and Solidarity Studies, issue no 7

European Borderlands, Remembrance and Solidarity Studies, issue no 7

Intitute of European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
From - Until
30.10.2018 -
Zhanna Vrublevska

Dear Colleagues,

We seek authors willing to submit articles for the upcoming Remembrance and Solidarity Studies. The issue will showcase contemporary research and differing conclusions about European borderlands, both literally and metaphorically, especially in terms of memory and identity.

Remarkable changes in the 20th and 21st-centuries associated with the transformation of borders and the creation of new ones in the European Union and beyond maintain the pace of interest in borderland studies. In the last two decades, the issue of frontiers and borderlands has become the centre of attention in not only the humanities and social sciences, but also interdisciplinary studies.

As there are several periodicals entirely dedicated to Borderland research, we intend to focus on issues that are relevant to our journal. We welcome new studies in various disciplines that address this dimension, either in real time or in the course of 20th-century history and memory. Contributions can deal with the following aspects (although other aspects will also be considered):

1. studies in the framework of international borders of nation states, interstate borders framing regions and other ‘sub-national’ political entities, as well as new global borders that bind broader formations of civilisations, economic blocs, or zones of influence and control.
2. research on the borderland subject from geographical, historical, political, religious, ethnographic, social, economic cultural and other perspectives,
3. interdisciplinary discussion of cultural borderlands and ‘borderland-er’ identity,
4. critical and comparative analysis of cross-border co-operation and the impact of culture on forms of co-operation,
5. examination of the collective and individual memory of of borderland region inhabitants as a phenomenon reflecting a complex relationship between memory, history and the past,
6. comparative research on diverse European borderlands, which aims to uncover common and underlying factors and their various unique constellations,
7. studies on challenges posed by contemporary social-, economic and cultural circumstances (including globalisation, migration, the EU, Schengen zone) in borderland research.

Kind regards,
Zhanna Vrublevska


Please send your proposals (up to 500 words) by 30 October 2018. Prior to submission, please refer to the Guidelines for Authors, Information Duty as well as Consent Clause at Please note, the lack of signed Consent Clause makes the review of the abstract impossible.

Full articles not exceeding 6,000 words (including footnotes) will be expected by 14 December 2018. We only accept articles in English. All abstracts and articles must be submitted by the set deadline in Microsoft Word format (*.doc). Submissions should be e-mailed as an attachment to:

Contact (announcement)

Zhanna Vrublevska

Zielna 37
00-108 Warsaw