THURSDAY, October 25
17:00 – 18:30
Opening Keynote
Diane P. Koenker (London):
Encounters with Others: Tourism and the Internationalization of Soviet Cuisine
Spaces of Entanglement and Perception in Eurasia
Yuguang Zhou (Munich):
The Portrayal of Yugoslavia in Chinese National and Local Newspapers 1975–1980
Marina Klyshko (Munich):
The Revival of Eurasianism: Figurations of the Russian Space in Ideological and Literary Discourses
Helena Holzberger (Munich):
Photographs of Soviet Asia: Colonial Images or Socialist Achievement?
Chair: Hans van Ess (Munich)
Commentator: Julia Obertreis (Erlangen)
FRIDAY, October 26
9:15 – 10:30
Transcontinental Projects and their Premises
Jasper Trautsch (Regensburg):
Who belongs to “the West”? Contesting the Meaning of a Key Concept in International Relations
Max Trecker (Berlin):
Circle of Debt: How the Crisis of the Global South in the 1980s Affected the Socialist East
Kai Willms (Munich):
An Old Stereotype in a New Environment? The Impact of Polish Émigré Scholars on American Sovietology after 1945
Chair: Ulf Brunnbauer (Regensburg)
Commentator: Volker Depkat (Regensburg)
10:30 – 11:45
Travelling Genres and Transnational Imaginations in the Arts
Nina Weller (Berlin):
Kitsch und Affekt. Reaktualisierung verdrängter Erinnerung in ukrainischen Romanen und Filmen der 2000er
Anna Baumgartner (Munich):
Wandernde Kosaken und polnischer Orientalismus. Ein transnationaler Blick auf den Maler Józef Brandt in München (1862–1915)
Patricia Pfeifer (Zurich):
Uncertain Territories. Zwischenbildliche Bewegung und Verschiebung nach 1989
Chair: Burcu Dogramaci (Munich)
Commentator: Peter Zusi (London)
13:15 - 14:30
Language Practices in a Dynamic World
Petar Kehayov (Regensburg):
Indigenous Language Death: Beyond the Drama
Bajro Muric (Regensburg):
Igrati bosansko kolo: Language Management (Cycle) in Bosnian Families in Stuttgart, Germany
Dóra Vuk (Regensburg):
Subject-Verb Agreement in the Croatian Heritage Language in Austria and Hungary
Chair: Björn Hansen (Regensburg)
Commentator: Daniel Weiss (Zurich)
14:45 - 16:00
Performativity and Cultural Adaptation
Henriette Reisner (Munich):
Zwischen Propaganda und Poesie. Der frühe sowjetische Animationsfilm im Spiegel politischer und ästhetischer Debatten
Katalin Cseh-Varga (Vienna):
On the Second Public Sphere. Process-Based Art in Hungary of the Seventies
Marija Đokić (Munich):
Eine Theaterlandschaft für Belgrad (1841–1914). Zwischen Nationalisierung und Europäisierung
Chair: Małgorzata Sugiera (Kraków)
Commentator: Ada Raev (Bamberg)
16:00 - 17:15
Production and Circulation of Knowledge in a Transnational World
Jan Arend (Konstanz):
East-to-West Knowledge Transfer Stories. The Example of Soil Science
Melanie Arndt (Regensburg):
Knowledge and Ignorance on the Move: The Power of Disaster (Non-)Knowledge
Ruslan Mitrofanov (Munich):
Legislative Initiatives Regarding the Foreign Mentally Ill of the Russian Empire: A Transnational Perspective
Chair: Martin Schulze Wessel (Munich)
Commentator: Kärin Nickelsen (Munich)
17:30 - 18:45
Frank Hadler (Leipzig):
How to Study Eastern Europe as a Global Area
SATURDAY, October 27
9:15 - 10:30
Area Studies from an Everyday Perspective
Eva-Maria Walther (Regensburg):
Anthropological Approaches to Engaged Subjects. Studying Actors in Slovak Refugee Care Services
Andrey Vozyanov (Regensburg):
Infrastructures in Trouble: Public Transit, Crisis, and Citizens at the Peripheries of Europe
Drivalda Delia (Regensburg):
Tracing Silenced Participation of Women in Nation and State-building Processes in Kosovo
Chair: Ger Duijzings (Regensburg)
Commentator: Marek Mikuš (Halle/Saale)
Areas Studies from a Social Sciences Perspective
Adele Del Sordi (Munich):
The Relation between External and Internal Authoritarian Legitimation: The Religious Foreign Policy of Morocco and Kazakhstan
Karina Shyrokykh (Stockholm):
Question Even More: A Comparative Analysis of the Activity of Russian State-Sponsored News Media on Twitter
Fabian Burkhardt (Bremen):
On Presidents and Presidencies: Single-Country Studies and Comparative Authoritarianism, the Case of Russia
Chair: Alexander Libman (Munich)
Commentator: Vladimir Gel’man (St. Petersburg)
12:00 - 13:30
Concluding Discussion
Caroline von Gall (Cologne), Ulf Brunnbauer (Regensburg), Peter Bugge (Aarhus), Riccardo Nicolosi (Munich), Alexander Libman (Munich), Ada Raev (Bamberg)