Donnerstag, 25.10.2018
18.00 Uhr, Sabine Panzram (Universität Hamburg) / Paulo Pachá (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro): Welcome and introduction
Generalkonsul Pedro Antonio Villena Pérez (Generalkonsulat von Spanien in Hamburg): Welcome
18.30 Uhr, Herwig Wolfram (Universität Wien), How to stay Gothic without a Gothic king?
20.00 Uhr, Empfang
Freitag, 26.10.2018
Concepts of Central and Local Power
9.30 Uhr, Laurent Brassous (Université La Rochelle), The day before. The Roman point of view
10.15 Uhr, Javier Arce (Université de Lille), The Visigoths in Hispania: new perspectives concerning arrival and settlement
11.00 Uhr Kaffeepause
11.30 Uhr, Stefan Esders (Freie Universität Berlin), 'Fugitives' and 'traitors': A discourse on center and periphery in Visigothic law
12.15 Uhr, Paulo Pachá (Universidade Federal Fluminense Rio de Janeiro), Beyond central and local powers: The General Councils of Toledo and the process of integration
13.00 Uhr, Mittagessen
Power and Ethnicity
15.30 Uhr, Walter Pohl (Universität Wien), Power and strategies of identification in Visigothic Spain
16.15 Uhr, Manuel Koch (Westfalen-Kolleg Paderborn), Who are the Visigoths? Concept of ethnicity in 6th century Visigothic Spain
17.00 Uhr, Kaffeepause
17.30 Uhr, Christoph Eger (Freie Universität Berlin), The Visigothic kingdom – a kingdom without Visigoths?
18.15 Uhr Javier Martínez Jiménez (University of Cambridge), Civic identities in the Visigothic kingdom
20.30 Uhr, Abendessen
Samstag, 27.10.2018
Representations of Power
9.30 Uhr, Lauro Olmo Enciso (Universidad de Alcalá), Recópolis, the representation of power in a complex landscape
10.15 Uhr, Ruth Pliego Vázquez (Universidad de Sevilla), Coins as symbols of authority and power in the Visigothic kingdom
11.00 Uhr, Kaffeepause
11.30 Uhr, Michael J. Kelly (SUNY Binghamton), Sive per occasionem sive per veritatem: Isidore of Seville and the politics of literature in the Visigothic kingdom
12.15 Uhr, Javier de Santiago Fernández (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), The epigraphic habit in the Hispania Visigothica
13.00 Uhr, Mittagessen
Power and Church
15.30 Uhr, Jorge Morín de Pablos (AUDEMA Madrid), Ecclesiastical landscapes in the territorium of the Visigothic capital of Toledo
16.15 Uhr, Markus Mülke (Augustana-Hochschule/Neuendettelsau), The 'international' catholicism of the Visigothic church during the last decades of the Arian kings
17.00 Uhr, Kaffeepause
17.30 Uhr, Sabine Panzram (Universität Hamburg), “A church without pope” – Spania‘s christianity between autonomy and isolation
18.15 Uhr, Jamie Wood (University of Lincoln), The church, royal government and local power in Visigothic Hispania and Byzantine Spania: comparative perspectives
19.00 Uhr Eduardo Manzano Moreno (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Madrid), The day after. The Umayyad point of view
19.45 Uhr, Abschlussdiskussion
20.30 Uhr, Abendessen