Incorporating sexual violence into Czech WWII history and its aftermath

Incorporating sexual violence into Czech WWII history and its aftermath

Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes
Charles University, Faculty of Arts
Czech Republic
Vom - Bis
29.03.2019 - 29.03.2019
Jaromír Mrňka

While over the past forty years, historiography has addressed sexual violence, in Czech historiography, the topic remains largely a lacuna. This workshop seeks to amend it. Building on Susan Brownmiller’s maxim in which rape is a statement of power rather than lust, our workshop offers a methodological primer combined with networking. The one-day event, featuring leading experts in the field Regina Mühlhäuser and Anna Hájková, will combine an introductory lecture, two panels of talks, and close work with primary sources.

We are seeking submissions for participation with abstract (up to 300 words, including discussion of sources, and a short bio, up to 100 words). We are interested in the history of Second World War defined widely, that is people working on Czech and Slovak 1930s and 1940s, ethnic minorities, Holocaust, expulsion etc. pp.
Selected participants (max. 4) will present their work in one of the panels. Participants can apply for reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs. Following this event, we aim to continue the workshop in further, more research oriented, seminars. We expect participants to read background literature in English.
The language of the workshop will be English.

Please send your abstracts no later than on February 1, 2019 to



Jaromír Mrňka

Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Siwiecova 2, 130 00 Prague 3, CZ, EU