The Research Network on Christian Churches, Culture and Society (CCSCE) is a network of individual researchers that focuses on historical research on the interaction of religion, culture and society in
Europe from the second half of the 18th century until present. CCSCE stimulates innovatives themes and approaches and transnational perpectives. It aims to develop a durable and multidisciplinary research community on the subject, involving both senior and promising young scholars.
On 24 and 25 June 2019
the CCSCE-Network in cooperation with the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and KADOC-KU Leuven organizes an international workshop:
On the crossroads of modernity
New perspectives on religion, culture and society since 1750
This workshop aims at reaching out to all scholars involved in innovative, comparative and interdisciplinary historical research on the interaction of Christian religions with ‘modern’ culture and society in Europe since 1750. It wants to establish a new perspective on the crossroads of religion, culture and society in modernizing Europe. It departs from the assertion that the religious field not only interacted with modernity but was emphatically part of it. Religions interacted permanently and creatively with modern ideas and methodologies and influenced the surrounding culture and morality.
Senior and junior researchers are encouraged to present new research, with a particular attention to methodology and sources and a special interest in confronting religious or church history with other disciplines. The interdisciplinary perspective may include – but is certainly not limited to – links to the following topics: devotions, rituals and religious narratives and discourse; gender; art and architecture; heritage, commemoration and identity; intercultural interactions; labor and economic thought; war and conflict; subaltern history. We explicitly wish to go beyond a mere institutional/ theological focus and thus encourage other social scientists to contribute to this event.
Participants are explicitly invited to stress the interdisciplinary) dimension of their research or to confront individual or national case-studies with international research. Papers with a critical and long-term perspective on the interaction of religion and the churches with crucial transformations and debates concerning modernity (such as secularization, nation, gender, etc.) are especially welcome.
Organizing committee
Prof. dr. Martin Baumeister (CCSCE – Deutsches
Historisches Institut in Rom)
Prof. dr. Kim Christiaens (CCSCE – KADOC-KU Leuven)
Prof. dr. Wilhelm Damberg (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Dr. Peter Heryman (CCSCE – KADOC-KU Leuven)
Dr. Kristien Suenens (CCSCE – KADOC-KU Leuven)
Scientific committee
Prof. dr. Martin Baumeister
Prof. dr. Florian Bock (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Prof. dr. Kim Christiaens
Prof. dr. Wilhelm Damberg
Dr. Peter Heyrman
Prof. dr. James Kennedy (University of Utrecht)
Prof. dr. Danielle Menozzi (CCSCE – Scuola Normale
Superiore Pisa)
Prof. dr. Philippe Portier (CCSCE - École Pratique des
Hautes Études)
Dr. Kristien Suenens
The conference language will be English.
Proposals should be submitted as PDF documents and should contain the following: a clear title of the proposed paper; a summary (max. 500 words), outlining the paper’s goals, methodology and source materials; CV(s) of author(s), with contact information, position and institutional affiliation.
These abstracts should be attached and emailed to the workshop secretary ( no later than 28 February 2019. You should receive a confirmation of proposal receipt within 48 hours.
The proposals will be evaluated and selected by the Scientific Committee based on topic relevance, innovativeness and the degree to which the proposal answers the call. Notification of the evaluation will occur no later than 15 March 2019.
Venue and accommodation
The workshop will be hosted by the Ruhr-Universität
The organizers will arrange for free accommodation and
catering for the conference speakers.
The speakers are invited to rely on their own institutions for the covering of travel costs. However, if this would not be possible, a special request can be made to the organising committee. This has to be clearly indicated in advance.
- Call for Papers: February 2019
- Deadline for proposal submission: 8 March 2019
- Proposal notification: 24 March2019
- Workshop: 24-25 June 2019
Following the workshop, papers selected by referees will be included in an international, peer-reviewed publication. Publication date: 2021.