Donnerstag, 28. März 2019
15:00 Michael Stolberg (München/Würzburg): Begrüßung und Einführung
15:30 John Henderson (Cambridge): The Great Pox in Early Modern Italy. Representing Disease and Treatment
16:15 Valentina Živković (Belgrad): Plague Imagery and Reactions to Plague in Istria: the Church of St. Roch in Draguć
17:00 Kaffeepause
17:30 Christiane J. Hessler (Berlin): Staging Human Skin in Milan’s Cathedral. Marco d’Agrate’s Statue of Saint Bartholomew and Vesalius
18:15 Li-Chun Lee (Berlin): Views of the Body from an Intercultural Perspective. Images of the Human Body in Western and Chinese Medicine
Freitag, 29. März 2019
9:00 Stavros Vlachos (Bremen): The Sickness of Evil. Images of Body Deformities as Negative Symbolism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Art
9:45 M A Katritzky (Milton Keynes): The Generic and the Specific: Visual Representations of Conjoined Twins 1450–1750
10:30 Kaffeepause
11:00 Alexander Pyrges (Würzburg): Picturing Portliness. Representations of Corpulency in Early Modern Art and Medicine
11:45 Volker Hille (Frankurt/Main): The Image of the Diseased Body between the Study of Nature and Artificial Combination. Methodological Reflections on an Early 15th-Century Figure of a Small-Statured Henchman with a Cleft Lip
12:30 Mittagspause
14:30 Jasmin Mersmann (Linz/Berlin): Deregulated Growth. Castrated Bodies in Arts and Medicine
15:15 Bernhard Seidler (München): How to Do Medicine with Images. The Temptations of Saint Anthony between Healing and Salvation
16:00 Kaffeepause
16:30 Brendan Röder (München): Images as Evidence. Visualizing Bodily Disability in the Early Modern Catholic Church
17:15 Thomas Fischbacher (Potsdam): Prinz und Patient. Fürstliche Leiden in frühneuzeitlichen Bildern
Samstag, 30. März 2019
9:00 Sietske Fransen (Rom): Observing Health and Disease: Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and His Body
9:45 Sebastian Pranghofer (Hamburg): From the Milky Veins to the Lymphatic System. Visualization and New Knowledge in Early Modern Anatomy
10:30 Kaffeepause
11:00 Domenico Bertoloni Meli (Bloomington): Texture between Andreas Vesalius and Govert Bidloo (and beyond)
11:45 Thomas Schnalke (Berlin): Sick Images. Concept and Configuration of Medical Illustrations in the Work of the Berlin Anatomist Johann Gottlieb Walter
12:30 Abschlussdiskussion