Alianov-Rautenberg, Viola, Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden, Hamburg
MONDAY, JULY 15, 2019
Greetings and Opening Remarks
Miriam Rürup (Hamburg) and Viola Alianov-Rautenberg (Hamburg)
14.30 - 16:00
Panel 1: Comparability of Immigration to Israel
Chair: Miriam Rürup
Gur Alroey (Haifa)
'Between the Straits'. The Jewish Immigration from Eastern Europe to the United States and Palestine, 1916-1925
Marcos Silber (Haifa)
Migrations, Gender and Family: Bottom-Up Perspectives on Migration, Return and Nations Building in 1950s' Poland and Israel
Johannes Becke (Heidelberg)
Indigenized Immigrants: A Creolization Perspective on the History of Jewish-Israeli Immigration
16.15 - 18.15
Panel 2: The Immigrants and the Absorbing Society
Chair: Andreas Brämer
Deborah Bernstein (Haifa)
The Gendered Margins of Migration - Prostitution, Pre and Post-State
Bat-Zion Eraqi Klorman (Raanana)
The Encounter of Yemeni and Ashkenazi Immigrants in the Yishuv: Social and Political Conflicts
Ranen Omer-Sherman (Louisville)
“My father sitting on an empty vegetable crate in the khaki tent among rubbish and rotting oranges”: Youth Aliya & Mizrahi Dissonance in Eli Amir’s Scapegoat (Tarnegol Kaparot)
Elan Ezrachi (Haifa)
From Adventure to Settling to Possible Return: American Immigration to Israel between 1948 and 1967
18.30 - 19.30
Aviva Halamish (Tel Aviv): Immigration is Israel´s History, so far
Chair: Viola Alianov-Rautenberg
TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2019
9.00 - 10.30
Panel 3: Debating Migration
Chair: Hanno Plass
Daniel Mahla (München)
Orthodox Movements and the Struggle for Immigration Certificates in 1930s Poland
Jannis Panagiotidis (Osnabrück)
Defining Jews, Making Israelis: A Transnational Praxeology of the Israeli Migration Regime
Larissa Remennick (Ramat Gan)
Generation 1.5 of Russian Israelis: Integrated but Distinct
10.45 - 12.15
Panel 4: Journey, Arrival, and First Experiences
Chair: Linde Apel
Björn Siegel (Hamburg)
"In Spring, to Palestine“ – Economy of Migration and Tourism to Mandatory Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s
Joachim Schlör (Southampton)
"Die Klippen von Jaffa sind keene Metapha". Experience of Arrival in the Ports of Palestine between the Second and Fifth Aliyah
Michal Kofman (Louisville)
A View from the Domestic Sphere – The Experience of Shared Accommodation
13.45 - 15.15
Panel 5: Motivations for Immigration
Chair: Viola Alianov-Rautenberg
Haim Sperber (Acco)
Deserted Wives and Deserting Husbands, 1851-1914
Victoria Kumar (Graz)
Land of Promise, Place of Refuge. Jewish Emigration and National Socialist Expulsion from Austria to Palestine, 1920-1945
Sara Yael Hirschhorn (Chicago)
City on a Hilltop: American Jewish Immigration and the Israeli Settler Movement
15.45 - 17.15
Panel 6: Non-Jewish Migration to Israel
Chair: Sonia Dickow
Ori Yehudai (Toronto)
Undesirables: Non-Jewish Migrants, Israel, and the Postwar Jewish World
Sarah Willen (Storrs/Connecticut)
Israel’s “Other” Others: Global Migrants, Mass Deportation, and the Embodiment of Sociopolitical Exclusion in Early 21st Century Tel Aviv
Rebeca Raijman (Haifa)
Non-Jewish Migration to Israel: Trends and Challenges
9.30 - 11.00
Panel 7: Emigration
Chair: Carmen Smiatacz
Roni Mikel Arieli (Munich/Jerusalem)
Memories of Migration and Migration of Memory: The Jewish Yishuv in Palestine Reacts to the Jewish Deportation to Mauritius (1940 - 1945)
Yinon Cohen (New York)
The Demographic Success of Zionism: Emigration from Israel to the US in the Past 40 Years
Uzi Rebhun (Jerusalem)
Emigration and the Construction of Identity among Israeli Jews in Germany
11.15 - 12.00
Concluding Discussion
Chair: Viola Alianov-Rautenberg