Twentieth Annual Czech and Slovak Studies Workshop

Twentieth Annual Czech and Slovak Studies Workshop

University of Pittsburgh, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
United States
Vom - Bis
19.03.2020 - 21.03.2020
Jan Musekamp

The program committee welcomes proposals for papers on Czech and Slovak topics, broadly defined, in all disciplines. In the past, the areas of interest have been: anthropology, architecture, art, economics, education, film, geography, history, Jewish studies, linguistics, literature, music, philosophy, politics, religion, society, sociology, and theater.
The Czech and Slovak Studies Workshop aims to bring together researches, scientists, faculty members and advanced graduate students to exchange their experiences, research results, and ideas. New work in progress is appropriate for our workshop format. Each speaker is typically allotted a 50-minute slot divided between a presentation and active discussion.
This year’s keynote speaker will be Pavol Demeš, an internationally recognized NGO leader who opened German Marshall Fund (GMF) of the United States office in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, in 2000 in order to oversee GMF’s activities in Central and Eastern Europe. Before joining GMF, Demeš was executive director of the Slovak Academic Information Agency – Service Center for the Third Sector, a Slovak NGO committed to enhancing civil society. Previously, he served his country as foreign policy advisor to the president of the Slovak Republic (1993-1997), minister of international relations (1991-1992), and director of the Department of Foreign Relations in the Ministry of Education (1990-1991).
The workshop is a collaboration of the University of Pittsburgh, the Czechoslovak Studies Association, and the Slovak Studies Association.
Some funding for Ph.D. candidates traveling from universities in the United States and Canada may be available. Faculty accepted to present at the workshop are encouraged to cover their airfare from their own travel and research budgets.
The deadline for submitting proposals is December 20, 2019.
Submissions should include:
- Name, institutional affiliation and contact details of each author (full mailing address, email address, daytime telephone)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Statement indicating in which years the applicant has previously submitted proposals to and/or participated in the Czech and Slovak Studies Workshop
- Presentation title
- Keywords
- An abstract of approximately 250 words, outlining the presentation

Applications should be submitted by e-mail to



Marcela Michálková

Department of Slavic Languages, 4200 Fifth Avenue University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA

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