ABGESAGT Picturing Life in the Early Modern Age

ABGESAGT Picturing Life in the Early Modern Age

Leopoldina-Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung
Lesesaal, Emil-Abderhalden-Straße 36, 06108 Halle (Saale)
Halle an der Saale
Vom - Bis
16.03.2020 -
Leopoldina-Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung

Aufgrund der Ausbreitung des Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 ergreift die Leopoldina Vorsichtsmaßnahmen. Deshalb werden alle Veranstaltungen bis 30. April 2020 vorerst abgesagt. Leider betrifft dies auch diese Veranstaltung. Wir bemühen uns, die Veranstaltung nachzuholen. Über den neuen Termin wird die Leopoldina rechtzeitig informieren.

The importance of images is certainly one of the most striking features of the early modern sciences. The wide range of strategies and styles employed in this new trend towards visualization is especially notable in the picturing of life, as new demands – both scientific and practical, aesthetic as well as social – urged to reconsider the phenomena of life and how to depict living beings.
Most early modern artists, scientists and practitioners did not intend their images just to support their texts but used them to rephrase, supplement, integrate or entirely substitute them. When adapted to different genres of scientific texts and contexts, these illustrations could expand, reshape or even question the original authors’ very doctrines.
The presentations will investigate into various strategies in depicting living beings – from fossils up to the human animal. They will study the problematic interplay between epistemology, aesthetics and the different styles of visualisation as well as the struggle to access structures and processes invisible to the naked eye – because of their microscopic size, or location (as in the inner recesses of the brain). Thereby the workshop will shed new light on the role of images in science.

Organisation: Mattia Mantovani (Leuven), Simon Rebohm (Halle)


9:15 Uhr - Begrüßung
Rainer Godel, Halle/Saale

9:30 – 10:30 Uhr
Hans Sloane’s Visual Archive of Naturalia
Sachiko Kusukawa, Cambridge

10:45 – 11:45 Uhr
Spirits or Clocks? Visual Strategies among Cartesians
Mattia Mantovani, Leuven

12:00 – 13:00 Uhr
Traveling Images and Medical Experience: A Case Study
Wenrui Zhao, New York

13:00 – 14:00 Uhr - Mittagspause

14:00 – 15:00 Uhr
Microscope and Miniature. Artistic and scientific visual strategies in the depiction of life in early modern drawing and print
Angela Fischel, Berlin

15:15 – 16:15 Uhr
The Aesthetics of Natural History
Silke Förschler, Kassel

16:30 – 17:30 Uhr
Pictures of Shells at the Academia Caesarea Leopoldino-Carolina Naturae Curiosorum
Simon Rebohm, Halle/Saale


Simon Rebohm

Leopoldina-Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung
Emil-Abderhalden-Straße 36, 06108 Halle (Saale)
