DAY 1 - MON. 31.05.21 14.00-18.30 CET
Kim Christiaens (KADOC-KU Leuven - President CCSCE)
Merve Reyhan Kayikci (KU Leuven)
Muslim women volunteering: Committing to Society is Committing to God.
15.30 Session I. Care, empowerment and social justice. Religiously inspired female agency in a contemporary perspective.
15.40 Introduction
Chair: Kim Christiaens (KADOC-KU Leuven)
15.50 Josep Almudever Chanza (University of Edinburgh)
Plotting care: women’s devotional cartographies in contemporary
16.10 Ruth Vida Amwe (Princeton Theological Seminary)
“Womanhood on the Streets”: Nigerian Women at the Crossroads of Religion and Social Justice.
16.30 Tuevo Laitila, Nina Maskulin & Pekka Metso (University of Eastern Finland/ University of Helsinki)
Lay ascetism of urban women: Empowerment and gender-based Eastern Orthodox Christian tradition.
16.50 BREAK
17.20 Discussion
DAY 2 - TUE. 01.06.21 - 14.00-17.30 CET
Session II. ‘The lady and the poor’: commitment, empowerment and perception (19th-20th centuries).
14.00 Introduction
Chair: Florian Bock (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
14.10 Karina Bénazech Wendling (École Pratique des Hautes Études Paris)
Experiencing the power of change? Evangelical women agency in the Irish mission field, 1800 – 1869.
14.30 Hannah Fluit (Universiteit Antwerpen/KU Leuven)
Gender and Catholic poor relief. Women and the Society of Saint
Vincent de Paul in Belgium, 1845-1945.
15.00 Dominika Gruziel (European University Institute)
The Mary’s Children and civilizational uplifting of the deprived.
The case study of the Polish Sodalities of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
15.20 Doreen Blake (University of Vienna)
Female charitable work in the Catholic Women’s Press in Austria
15.40 BREAK
16.10 Discussion
DAY 3 - WED. 02.06.21 - 14.00- 17.30 CET
Session III. Female religious and subalternity (19th -20th centuries).
14.00 Introduction
Chair: Magaly Rodriguez (KU Leuven)
14.10 Maria Heidegger (University of Innsbruck)
“[…] more powerful than the straitjacket…”. Medical activities of Catholic women’s orders in the psychiatric landscape of Tyrol in the 19th century.
14.30 Kristien Suenens (KADOC-KU Leuven)
‘The wise and the foolish’. Female religious and female inmates in Belgian prisons (19th-20th centuries).
15.00 Jo Luyten (KADOC-KU Leuven)
‘Oeuvre de la Rehabilitation’. The Refuge of Saine-Marie Madeleine in Brussels (1827-1922).
15.20 Eileen Groth Lyon (State University of New York)
Christian Feminism and Social Commitment: Margaret Slachta and the Sisters of Social Service.
15.40 BREAK
16.10 Discussion
DAY 4 - THU. 03.06.21 -15.00- 18.00 CET
Session IV. Catholic religious and gender identities in a time of change (post-World War II).
14.00 Introduction
Chair: Peter Heyrman (KADOC-KU Leuven)
14.10 Flora Derounian (University of Sussex)
Working or Calling? Oral histories of Italian nuns’ social work.
14.30 Nora Lehner (University of Vienna)
The Caritas Socialis and their care provisions for girls and women in occupied, post-war Vienna (1945-1955).
15.00 Carmen Mangion (Birkbeck, University of London)
Catholic Internationalism, Women Religious and the Leeds Peru Mission.
15.20 Ana Jelnikar (Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Walking out of step: Marija Sreš and her missionary work amongst
tribal women in India.
15.40 Discussion
16.30 BREAK
17.00 Conclusions and publication concept
Magaly Rodriguez and Kristien Suenens (KADOC-KU Leuven)