The International Network "Impact of Empire" brings together some 200 ancient historians, classical philologists, archaeologists and specialists in Roman law from all over the world (
They share research interests in the Roman Empire and the consequences of its actions in the regions it dominated (i.e. a large part of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East). The network wants to give young researchers the opportunity to present their work in an international interdisciplinary setting and to benefit from the feedback they receive.
The 15th workshop of the Impact of Empire Network, which was planned for May 2021 in Nijmegen, has been postponed. The organizers have decided to organize a 'flash conference' instead: a one-day, wholly online event, with four papers on the subject of the planned workshop, with substantial time for discussion. This will take place on Thursday 27 May 2021.
For organisational purposes, the organizers need those who are interested in participating to sign up, so that they have relevant emails and numbers. This will enable them to organise break out rooms. After signing up, you will receive relevant information and links nearer the time of the meeting. Please send an email to Doortje Swaters and Ellen Theuws, via: