Asymmetries of a Region: Decentring Comparative Perspectives on Eastern Europe

GWZO Annual Conference

Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO)
Vom - Bis
09.06.2021 - 11.06.2021
Virginie Michaels, Wissenstransfer und Vernetzung, Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO)

Comparison is among the most frequently used approaches in humanities and social sciences. In recent decades, comparative approaches have been subjected to continuous methodological debates.

GWZO Annual Conference

In particular in a global context, research has sought to integrate comparative methods with research on transfer, connection, and entanglement. At the same time, researchers have started paying more attention to social, economic, cultural and other inequalities. This has also prompted the question of how comparative analysis in area studies may consider apparent asymmetries without equalising or reifying.

The GWZO Annual Conference 2021 makes the social, cultural and economic margins the focus of comparative analysis. By decentring comparative perspectives, this interdisciplinary conference seeks to discuss new directions in comparative research on and with Eastern Europe. The presentations connect to current efforts in global and area studies to integrate multiple perspectives, consider dynamic frameworks, and highlight spatial overlaps of actors, objects and ideas. This can contrast, complement, conflict with or undermine the more widely known accounts that have been disseminated from the centre.

The GWZO Annual Conference is organised by the Junior Research Group "Contrasting East Central Europe" (Corinne Geering, Hana Rydza and Theo Schley).

This is an online event. If you wish to participate, please register via the following link:


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Welcome and Introduction
Christian Lübke (Director of the GWZO),
Corinne Geering (GWZO)

Asymmetrical Frameworks
Chair: Theo Schley (GWZO)

Christian Lübke (GWZO)
The East as seen by the West – Percepting, Visualising and Mapping from the Early Middle Ages to the Enlightenment

Martin Bauch, Annabell Engel (GWZO), Thomas Labbé (Dijon)
The Black Death (1347–52) and Eastern Central Europe: A Transcontinental Pandemic in Regional Comparison

Augusta Dimou (Leipzig)
No European History without Eastern Europe

Clemens Günther (Berlin)
Can Late Soviet Literature Be Globalized? Comparative Perspectives beyond the ‘Deformation Model’
Comment: Katja Castryck-Naumann (GWZO)

in cooperation with the Leibniz ScienceCampus »Eastern Europe – Global Area« (EEGA)

Martin Müller (Lausanne)
Go East: Thinking beyond North and South
Moderation: Sebastian Lentz (Speaker of the EEGA)

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Eastern Europe and the Global South
Chair: Aurelia Ohlendorf (GWZO)

Steffi Marung (Leipzig)
Comparing and Connecting: The Soviet and the American South as Models for International Development

Nataša Jagdhuhn (Berlin)
The Non-Aligned Movement and the Decolonization of the Museum Field: The Gallery of Art of the Non-Aligned Countries »Josip Broz Tito« (1984–1991)

Zoltan Ginelli and Eszter Szakács (Budapest)
Transperiphery Movement: Global Eastern Europe and Global South
Comment: Beáta Hock (GWZO)

Social Margins
Chair: Hakob Matevosyan (GWZO)

Lucian George (Oxford)
Comparing Rural Political Cultures in Interwar Poland and Czechoslovakia

Igor Stipić (Regensburg)
Rejected Bodies, Disowned Cultures: Race and Nation in Bosnia and Chile

Udo Grasshoff (Leipzig)
Informal Housing in East Europe in Comparative Perspective
Comment: Antje Dietze (Leipzig)


Chair: Hana Rydza (GWZO)

Jürgen Heyde (GWZO)
Reframing Locality. The Armenian Chronicles of Early Modern Lviv and Kamjanec Podilskyj

Nadiia Bureiko (St. Gallen) and Teodor Lucian Moga (Iasi)
(In)visible Asymmetries in the Northern and Southern Parts of Bukovina: Comparative Analysis of Ukrainian and Romanian Minorities’ Self-Perceptions

Diana Hitzke (Gießen)
Comparing Minority Narratives in English, Russian and Sorbian Literature
Comment: Adamantios Th. Skordos (GWZO)

Friday, June 11, 2021

From Centres to Peripheries
Chair: Gáspár Salamon (GWZO)

Chechesh Kudachinova (Altai Republic)
Neither East nor North: the Pragmatic Metageograhies of Northeast Eurasia

Corinne Geering (GWZO)
A Dialogue of Imperial Histories: Textiles and Regional Development in the Russian and British Empires

Elzbieta Kwiecinska (Florence)
»Centre« and »Periphery«? Towards the Concept of the ‘Civilizing Mission’ as a Cultural Transfer in East Prussia and Habsburg Galicia in a Long Nineteenth Century
Comment: Jan Zofka (GWZO)

Concluding discussion
Frank Hadler (GWZO), Corinne Geering (GWZO

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