Jörn Retterath, Historisches Kolleg, Stiftung zur Förderung der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und des Historischen Kollegs
Mittwoch, 21. Juli 2021
14:00 Uhr: Petra Sijpesteijn (Universiteit Leiden/Historisches Kolleg)/Hartmut Leppin (Goethe Universität Frankfurt a.M./Kuratoriumsvorsitzender des Historischen Kollegs):
Welcome and introduction
14:10 Uhr: Aurélien Montel (Université Lyon): Pledge to the caliph. Reflexions about a letter to Umayyad caliph ʽAbd al-Raḥmān III (317/929)
14:50 Uhr: Clara Luhn (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): Asking for recommendations and recommending for office: Su Shi’s (1037–1101) correspondence on official sponsorship
15:30 Uhr: Short Break
15:45 Uhr: Florian Hartmann (RWTH Aachen): Request – supplication – demand – order: The „petitio“ in the letter writing theory of the European Middle Ages
16:25 Uhr: Beverly Bossler (Brown University): Categories of patron-solicitation letters in Song dynasty China (960–1279)
Donnerstag, 22. Juli 2021
14:00 Uhr: Eline Scheerlink/Cecilia Palombo (Universiteit Leiden): Asking for a friend. Travel requests and social relationships in Umayyad Egypt
14:40 Uhr: Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo (University of Lincoln): Beyond epistolary standards? Reassesseing friendship in thirteenth-century Iberian political and diplomatic communication
15:20 Uhr: Jialong Liu (Universiteit Leiden): Hidden private entreating behind public stele texts during mid-late Tang China
16:00 Uhr: Short break
16:15 Uhr: Oded Zinger (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Letters of request to women from the Cairo Geniza
16:55 Uhr: Antje Richter (University of Colorado Boulder): Pleading illness in early medieval China: Rhetorical strategies in letters and memorials
Freitag, 23. Juli 2021
14:00 Uhr: Hannah-Lena Hagemann (Universität Hamburg): Reconciling rebels in the early Islamic period
14:40 Uhr: Maxime Thérond (Université de Strasbourg): To dare and to write: The case of administrative letters from Middle Egypt in the 6th and 7th centuries
15:20 Uhr: Ed Hayes (Universiteit Leiden): Entreating the imams: Between petition and fatwa
16:00 Uhr: Short break
16:15 Uhr: Petra Sijpesteijn (Universiteit Leiden/Historisches Kolleg): From cocksure confidence to rueful regret: Three letters from ninth-century Egypt
16:55 Uhr: Discussion