Monday, 21st of June:
14.00 – 14:45
Sebastian Thies, Gabriele Alex, Susanne Goumegou, Russell West-Pavlov: Words of welcome
Susanne Goumegou, Sebastian Thies: Introduction
15.00 – 16:30
Toxicity in the temporalities of health and healing [in English]
Chair: Gabriele Alex (UT)
Vibha Joshi Parkin (University of Oxford): „Healing and Contested Evidence: Naga Healing Over Time“
Pallabi Roy (University of Heidelberg): „Disrupted (Imagined) Temporalities: A Study of Reproductive Loss and Assisted Conception in Kolkata, India“
Inayat Ali (University of Vienna): „Negotiating Vaccination: Making Sense of Mistrust, (Geo-)politics, and Structured Disparities in Pakistan“
17.00 – 17:45
Keynote address [in Spanish; with English translation]
René Ramírez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México): „Ucronías para la Vida Buena en épocas de temporalidades tóxicas“
18.00 – 19:30
Temporalidades distópicas [in Spanish]
Chair: Esteban Morera (UT)
Paula Godinho (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), „Porvenir: practicas posibles para posponer el fin del mundo“
Eugênio Rezende de Carvalho (Universidade Federal de Goiás), „Las narrativas distópicas del tiempo porvenir: el lugar del pesimismo“
Albert Weber Fonseca (UNAM), „Entre distopías y ucronías: representaciones del tiempo futuro en la Ciencia Ficción“
Tuesday, 22nd of June
13.30 Warm up and synthesis of day 1
14.00 – 15:30
Education and Toxic Temporalities [in English]
Chair: Gabriele Alex (UT)
Thomas Krippner (University of Tübingen), „The Rhythm of Campus – Techniques of Time in Indian Students’ Socialization Process“
Isaac Pipano (Universidade Federal Fluminense), „Toxic LEDs, empowered screens. Issues on audiovisual practices in contemporary Brazilian education“
Ivonne Sánchez (UNAM), „Toxic temporalities in Academia: some particularities of the Mexican case“
16.00 – 17:30
Temporalidades y Territorialidades del Mal-Estar in América Latina [in Spanish]
Chair: Ignácio Albronoz (PARIS VIII)
Ana Lúcia Ferraz (UFF), „Los límites de la imagen en el territorio animado“
Fernando Resende e Tatiana Costa (UFF, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais), „El sur como tierra en movimiento: imágenes, subjetividades y un sentido negro del espacio“
Raúl Contreras Román (UNAM), „Cuando el futuro comenzó. Imágenes y narrativas del cambio social en el Valle del Mezquital del Siglo XX“
18.00 – 19:30
Tiempo y futuro [in Spanish]
Chair: Roberto Robalinho (UT and UFF)
Gerardo Damián Hernández (UNAM), „El concepto ‚generación‘ para el estudio de la proyección de futuro“
Margarita Olvera Serrano (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco), „Narrativas de futuro y representación del pasado. La construcción imaginaria de los límites“
Federico Julián Bonet Castillo (UNAM), „Aceleración: La disputa por la narrativa del acontecimiento en el mundo digital“
Wednesay, 23d of June
13.30 Warm up and synthesis of day 2
14.00 – 15:30 Temporalités de la colonialité dans l’Afrique contemporaine [in French]
Chair: Susanne Goumegou (UT)
Parfait D. Akana (Université de Yaoundé II), „La production sociale des belles femmes“
Louis Nana (UT), „Sortir de la blessure: pensée de l’en-commun et imagination de temporalités alternatives dans les romans africains de Léonora Miano“
Séverine Kodjo-Grandvaux (Paris VIII), „Dessiner une poétique du frisson“
16.00 – 17:30 Sound Memories of Slavery [in English]
Chair: Christina Richter-Ibanez (UT)
Ibrahima Seck (Université Cheikh Anta Diop), „The blues and the myth of the Devil’s score“
Felipe Trotta (UFF), „Is There Such a Thing as Black Music in Brazil?“
Juliana Braz Dias (Universidade Federal de Brasília), „Toward another globalization: Cape Town Minstrels in South Africa“
18.00 – 19:30
Mémoires toxiques: dialogue transatlantique sur l’esclavage [in French]
Chair: Renata Gonçalves (UFF)
Simone Vassallo (UFF), „Mémoires enchevêtrées: le site archéologique Quai du Valongo et les conflits autour des representations de l’esclavage à Rio de Janeiro“
Bacary Sarr (UCAD), „Archéologie de la mémoire de l'esclavage transatlantique chez Kangni Alem et Wilfried N'Sondé“
Susanne Goumegou (UT), „La conscience diasporique selon Nathalie Etoke: navigation précaire dans les eaux torrentielles de l’Histoire“
Thursday, 24th of June
13.30 Warm up and synthesis of day 3
14.00 – 15:30
Precarious Temporalities in Latin American Cinema [in English]
Chair: Niall Geragthy (University College London)
Sebastian Thies (UT), „The Disruptive Temporality of Precariousness: Afro-Colombian Subjectivities in Films by Jhonny Hendrix and Diana Kuellar“
Anne Burkhardt (UT), „Between Victimhood and Self-Empowerment: Representations of Precarious Internal Migration in Colombian Cinema“
Luis F. Rosero (UT), „Slow Death in the City: Precarious Subjectivities and Temporalities of Endurance in Contemporary Colombian Cinema“
Georgina Cebey (UNAM), „Temporalidad y urbe en el cine de Alonso Ruizpalacios. Apuntes sobre la nostalgia neoliberal“
16.00 – 17:30
Parallel panel 1: Temporalités du mal-être en contexte africain [in English / French] Chair: Cyprien Bodo (UFHB)
Louis Obou (Université Felix Houphouët-Boigny), „Temporal Toxicity and Subjectivity of Retreating in Isolation: the Trials of the Aiyéro in Season of Anomy by Wole Soyinka“
Augustin Dobé (UFHB), „La Figure de l’ennemi et les dispositifs confligènes dans la littérature et le cinéma : une analyse des modalités structurelles des conflits en postcolonie subsaharienne“
Alain S. Agnessan (UFHB), „Figures de l’actuel. Les cinémas du génocide tutsi, la grève des évènements et la clinique du temps“
Parallel panel 2: Violencia y Memoria del Conflicto en Colombia [in Spanish]
Chair: Romana Radlwimmer
Michelle Mojica Noreña
(Comisión de la Verdad - Colombia), „Entre la violencia y la construcción de paz: los retos de pensarse temporalmente el conflicto armado en Colombia“
Diana Gómez Correal (Universidad de los Andes): „Estallido social en Colombia: entre la tempopolítica, la biogeopolítica y los movimientos sísmicos“
Esteban Morera (UT), „La injusticia como herramienta de emancipación. Temporalidades políticas plebeyas en la toxicidad de la violencia política colombiana“
18.00 – 19:30
Temporalidades de la Pandemia [in Spanish]
Chair: Sebastian Thies (UT)
Guadalupe Valencia García (UNAM), „El tiempo-COVID: reflexiones sobre el futuro“
Mónica Guitián Galán (UNAM), „Los ritmos del riesgo y el COVID“
Alejandra González Bazúa (UNAM), „Densidades temporales en la configuración de futuros“
Friday, 25th of June
13.30 Warm up and synthesis of day 4
14.00 – 15:30
Toxic Images, Archives and Contemporary Latin American Documentaries [in English]
Chair: Roberto Robalinho (UT and UFF)
Michael Karrer (UT), „Lo que el sida se llevó: Toxic Temporalities and the Archive of an Epidemic“
Ignácio Albronoz (Paris VIII), „‚I’m writing to you from a faraway land‘: Filmic appropriation and tangled temporalities in Tiziana Panizza’s Solitary Land (2017)“
Andréa França (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro) and Patricia Machado (PUC – RJ), „Introspective and Toxic temporalities in Brazilian films on the Coronavirus pandemic: The Archives of the Present and the Past“
16.00 – 17:30
Parallel panel 1: Toxic Temporalities and Ecology [in English] Chair: Russel West-Pavlov (UT)
Anthony Obute (UT), „Time to flatten the curve: asymmetries in Global poisoning“
Lena Schlegel (University of Munich), „Toxic Temporalities of Fire in Contemporary Australia“
Vanessa Weihgold (UT), „Progress as progress temporality: reframing sustainable lifestyles“
Parallel panel 2: Temporalidades de la esperanza en tiempos adversos [in Spanish]
Chair: Fernando Resende (UFF)
Gustavo Serrano Padilla (UNAM), „La promesa de la esperanza: Ernst Bloch y Francesco Alberoni“
Dulce María Velez Esquivel (UNAM), „Futuro y esperanza: claves para su comprensión“
María del Socorro Gutiérrez-Magallanes (UNAM), „Tiempos Nepantla y las posibilidades de un Mundo Zurdo: ensayar el futuro“
18.00 – 18:30 Synthesis of day 5
18:30-19:15 Keynote address [in English]
Peter Krieger (UNAM): „Toxic Urbanism and Landscape Development in the Anthropocene“