Rijeka Fiume in Flux

Presentation of the mobile application Rijeka Fiume in Flux, 18.6., 4pm

Dr. Brigitte Le Normand and the 'Rijeka Fiume in Flux' team
Maastricht, Niederlande
Vom - Bis
18.06.2021 -
Sarah Lemmen, Departamento de Historia Moderna e Historia Contemporánea, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Rijeka Fiume in Flux

We are happy to invite you to the official online opening and the presentation of the mobile application Rijeka Fiume in Flux to be held on June 18, 2021, beginning at 4pm (GMT+2 time).

Rijeka Fiume in Flux

Pozivamo vas sljedećeg petka, 18. lipnja 2021. godine na službeno online otvaranje mobilne aplikacije Rijeka Fiume in Flux s početkom u 16:00h, (GMT+2 time).

Presentation of the mobile application Rijeka Fiume in Flux, 18.6., 4pm

We are happy to invite you to the official online opening and the presentation of the mobile application Rijeka Fiume in Flux to be held on June 18, 2021, beginning at 4pm (GMT+2 time) via zoom link (Meeting ID: 831 5961 2775 / Passcode: 753942).

The app was developed as a part of a project based at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan, and financed by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Rijeka Fiume in Flux enables users to explore diverse and layered history of Rijeka though their smartphones, by freely downloading the app on the official webpage of the project www.rijekafiumeinflux.com, or on Apple or Google Play services. The application aims to connect wider audiences with scholarly research on Rijeka’s history, by enabling and motivating the user to explore numerous historical narratives of Rijeka.


The official opening will feature the project´s principal investigator Dr. Brigitte Le Normand (Maastricht University) and collaborator Jon Corbet (University of British Columbia Okanagan)

After the opening ceremony, a panel will be held titled Animating Rijeka's Past: Civic Technology and Urban History. The first presenter is Dr. Pamela Robinson (School of Urban and Regional Planning at Ryerson University), who will be speaking on Civic Technology and the Public Realm: Oh the Possibilities…

The second lecture will feature Dr. Tvrtko Jakovina (Department of History at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb and visiting professor at the Institute for Central-Eastern and Balkan Europe, University of Bologna) with a lecture on Why Rijeka Matters: Lessons of the Twentieth Century for Croatia Today. The aforementioned lecture will be introduced by the internatonal researcher on the project Dr. Vanni D'Alessio (Department of Social Sciences, University Federico II, Naples).

The intended duration of the panel is until 6pm, after which you are able to view the Fiume Fantastika: Phenomena of the City exhibition (lasting 80 minutes) in organization with Morana Matković and Renato Stanković (Deltalab).
The programme will be held in English.


Dr. Brigitte Le Normand (b.lenormand@maastrichtuniversity.nl)

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