Translatio. 7. Jahrestagung der International Medieval Society

Translatio. 7. Jahrestagung der International Medieval Society

International Medieval Society
Salle 11, Panthéon, 12 place du Panthéon, F-75005 Paris
Vom - Bis
24.06.2010 - 26.06.2010
Julian Führer

The medieval term translatio brings into contact linguistic, material, and cultural fields. It was attached to a group of related concepts: the physical displacement of objects, the rewriting of a text in a new language, or the transfer of meaning proper to metaphor. Eventually, writers of the Latin West began to employ the concepts of translatio imperii and translatio studii in an attempt to define their conflicted relationship with the authority and learning of Classical, Muslim, and Byzantine cultures the term thus expressed their understanding of cultural contact and exchange. Recent work has shown how these various iterations of translatio can indicate complex acts of cultural appropriation and re-creation, which renegotiated the opposing forces of old and new, the other and the self.

The present symposium will bring together scholars from diverse disciplines, in order to study the various modes and meanings of translatio. Papers might address such topics as: the adaptation of texts from one language into another in literary or musical sources; the transfer of themes from one medium to another (among, for example, texts, music, painting, sculpture, or textiles); the use of spolia in building or orfèvrerie; the translation of relics; the exploitation of Classical themes or narratives by medieval political figures or historiographers; the controversies over Biblical translation; the function of translatio as metaphor in religious or secular writing; the appropriation of words from one language into another.

The IMS-Paris is an interdisciplinary and bilingual (French/English) organization founded to serve as a center for medievalists who research, work, study, or travel to France. For more information about the IMS and the schedule of last year’s Symposium, please see our website:


Thursday, 24 June / jeudi 24 juin

Registration / Inscriptions

Opening of the Symposium / Ouverture du colloque
Meredith Cohen (IMS President) et Laurent Feller (Directeur de LAMOP)
Welcome / Accueil
Mary Franklin-Brown, IMS & University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Translatio au Moyen Âge, pistes de recherche

Keynote / Intervention d'invitée d'honneur
Rita Copeland, University of Pennsylvania
'Translating' Antiquity

10h30-11h Coffee Break / Pause café

Session 1 / Séance 1 - Translatio et le locus sanctus
Nathalie Le Luel, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, Angers
Projeter le décor du sanctuaire en façade : bilan et réflexion sur une translation iconographique à l’époque romane

Emily Davenport Guerry, Cambridge University
Crowning Paris: The Translation of the Crown of Thorns relic and the Decoration of the Sainte-Chapelle

Annie Dennery, Université de Paris-IV
Translatio : L’Office de la couronne d’épines de Sens

12h30-14h30: Lunch / Déjeuner (libre)
Possible excursion / Sortie possible : Concert - Musée de Cluny

Session 2 / Séance 2 - Round Table / Table ronde : Historiographies anglo-saxonnes et françaises
Aude Mairey, CNRS and Olivier Bertrand, ATILF

16h-16h30: Coffee Break / Pause café

Session 3 / Séance 3 -The Untranslatable
Emma Campbell, University of Warwick
Translation in Rutebeuf's Miracle de Théophile

Jonathan Hsy, George Washington University
Common Tongues: Eustache Deschamps, John Gower, and Barking Dogs

Gabriella Addivinola, University of Warwick
The 'trasumanar' in the Anticlaudianus and the Divine Comedy: bringing language through methapors towards God

Friday, 25 June / vendredi 25 juin

Keynote / Intervention d'invité d'honneur
Serge Lusignan, Université de Montréal & LAMOP
Translatio studii et traduction: la construction d’un registre lettré de la langue française

10h-10h30: Coffee Break / Pause café

Session 4 / Séance 4 - Translations and their readership
Margriet Hoogvliet, University of Groningen
Lay Readers of the Bible Translated into French: A Social History

Gregory Fedorenko, Cambridge University
Translating Latin genealogical histories into Old French prose: the Chronique de Normandie and Geste de France

Jeanette Beer, Oxford University
Julius Caesar in Paris: Didactic Displacement in Li Fet des Romains

12h-14h: Lunch / Déjeuner (libre)

Session 5 / Séance 5: Round Table / Table ronde: La diffusion des modèles politiques
John Watts, Oxford University and Jean-Philippe Genet, Université de Paris I & LAMOP

15h30-16h: Coffee Break / Pause café

Session 6 / Séance 6 - La traduction et le corps
Michelle Bolduc, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
L’Eructavit et la traduction incarnée

Ljubomir Milanovic, Rutgers University
Figuring translation: The Trier Ivory and its Pictorial Signifiers

Laura J. Campbell, Durham University
The Translatio of Transvestism: Translating Problems of Signification in Miniatures Depicting the Story of Grisandole

Saturday, 26 June / samedi 26 juin

Session 7 / Séance 7 - Traductions culturelles et cultuelles
Larissa Birrer, Aberystwyth University
'Qui voit qu'il boit du nilotem aquam': Observations on French translation problems in the Songes selon Daniel

Luisa Nardini, University of Texas, Austin
The Masses for the Holy Cross in Aquitanian Manuscripts

Phyllis Gaffney, University College, Dublin
'Et quant li vens s'i fiert': un cas de translatio dans la chanson de Mainet

10h30-11h: Coffee Break / Pause café

Session 8 / Séance 8 : La translation du saint
Céline Menager, Université de Paris-IV
Authentification des reliques et justification d’une translation : l’exemple de sainte Hélène

Adrian S. Hoch, The Umbria Institute (Perugia)
The King’s Sainted Brother: Louis of Anjou’s Translation amid the Franciscans at Marseille

Thomas Frank, Università degli studi, Pavia & Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut
L'hagiographie et la translatio du savoir entre moyen âge et époque moderne: L'exemple du dossier de saint Benoît de Norcia

12h30-14h: Lunch / Déjeuner (libre)

General Assembly of the IMS / Assemblée générale de la SIM

Session 9 / Séance 9 - Déplacements culturels
Noëlle-Laetitia Perret, Université de Fribourg
A la croisée du logos aristotélicien, de la tradition juive et chrétienne. L’éducation du prince d’après les 'translateurs' de Gilles de Rome (XIIIe-XVe siècle)

David Joseph Wrisley, American University of Beirut
De Baghdad en Bourgogne: un débat islamo-chrétien traduit en images au XVe siècle

Jean-Marie Guillouët, Université de Nantes & INHA
Transferts et circulations artistiques dans l’Europe de la fin du Moyen Âge : problèmes d’analyse à partir de quelques exemples ibérique, londonien et parisien

Conclusion/réponse, suivie d’une discussion générale/ Closing remarks followed by a general discussion
Respondant: Jeanette Beer, Oxford University

18h: Closing Apéritif


Dr. Julian Führer
Historisches Seminar der Universität Zürich
Karl Schmid-Str. 4
CH - 8006 Zürich
Tel. +41.44.634.38.53
Fax +41.44.634.49.13