External educational interventions and history education reform in post-conflict contexts: The case of South Eastern Europe

External educational interventions and history education reform in post-conflict contexts: The case of South Eastern Europe

Georg-Eckert-Institut – Leibniz-Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung
Georg-Eckert-Institut – Leibniz-Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung, Celler Str. 3, 38114 Braunschweig
Vom - Bis
20.11.2013 - 22.11.2013
Elvir Becirovic

Im Rahmen des Projekts der Schulbuch- und Curriculumentwicklung in Südosteuropa, das vom Auswärtigen Amt gefördert wird, findet vom 20. bis 22. November 2013 eine Konferenz mit dem Thema „Externe Bildungsinterventionen und Geschichtsunterrichtsreform in Postkonfliktgesellschaften“ am GEI statt. Nach dem Konferenzauftakt mit einer öffentlichen Rede am Abend des 20. November werden sich an den beiden folgenden Tagen internationale Experten aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Praxis über Projekte, Ansätze und Strategien von Interventionen im Geschichtsunterricht am Beispiel von Südosteuropa austauschen. Ziel der Konferenz ist es, die theoretischen Beiträge aus der Praxis von Intervenierenden und Adressaten von Interventionen zu diskutieren und über Chancen, Herausforderungen und Wirkungen von Bildungsinterventionen zu reflektieren, um daraus Schlussfolgerungen zur Konzeption zukünftiger Bildungsprogramme zu ziehen und Überlegungen für weitere Forschungsvorhaben zu generieren.



DAY 1 Wednesday, 20th November 2013

6.00 pm Public Speech: Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarz‐Schilling

DAY 2 Thursday, 21. November 2013

9.00 am ‐ 9.30 am
Welcome (Eckhardt Fuchs, Katarina Batarilo‐Henschen)

Panel 1 External educational interventions in post‐conflict contexts

Panel 1 will bring researchers, practitioners and policy‐makers together to discuss the specific character of external educational intervention in post‐conflict contexts.
The participants with experiences from interventions in different areas of education in various countries of South Eastern Europe will bring in information on the rationale as well as on the processes and outcomes of interventions in education. With their input, the participants will refer to strategies and critically reflect diverse challenges of intervention like e.g. on the issue of cooperation and communication both within the group of international agencies and with the local participants of the intervention.

9.30 am – 11.00 am Chair: Andreas Heinemann‐Grüder (GEI)
9.30 am – 10.00 am Keynote speech: Lynn Davies, Birmingham/ UK
10.00 am – 11.00 am Commentaries:
→ Prof. Dr. Ch. Schwarz‐Schilling (Germany)
→ Kendal Palmer (OSCE BaH)
→ Rolf Gollob (IPE/PHZH, Zurich/Switzerland)
→ Karen Murphy (FHAO/USA)
Each commentator will have 15 min.

11.00 am – 11.30 am Coffee Break

11.30 am – 1.00 pm Moderated group discussion

1.00 pm – 2.30 pm Lunch

Panel 2 Intervention and history education reform ‐ experiences from South Eastern Europe

Panel 2 will bring together stakeholders of history education projects to review exemplary projects and to reflect the peculiarities of history educational projects implemented in diverse South Eastern European countries, their contribution to history education reform and to strengthening social cohesion in post‐conflict settings.

2.30 pm ‐ 5.45 pm Chair: Katarina Batarilo‐Henschen (GEI)
2.30 pm – 3.00 pm Keynote speech: Marko Suica, Belgrade/Serbia
→ Jonathan Even‐Zohar (Euroclio, Netherlands)
→ Nenad Sebek (CDRSEE, Greece)
→ Melisa Forić (textbook author, BaH)
→ Milija Marjanović (Pedag. Institute Banja Luka, BaH)
Each commentator will have 15 min.

4.00 – 4.15 pm Coffee break

4.15 pm – 5.45 pm Moderated group discussion

Evening Conference dinner

DAY 3: Friday, 22nd November 2013

Panel 3 Impact of educational interventions in curriculum and textbook policy – conceptual approaches and examples of practical evaluation

Panel 3 aims to address general questions about the impact of educational intervention – both from a theoretical approach and a practical perspective based on insights gained from different projects in SEE and beyond.
Presentations of different conceptual approaches and of examples of evaluations of on‐the‐ground programmes will look into the influence of conditions, context factors and dynamics on the course and success of educational intervention.

9.00 am ‐ 9.15 am Introduction
9.00am – 1.00 pm Chair: Denise Bentrovato (GEI)
9.15 am – 9.45 am Presentation 1: Sansom Milton, PRDU, York/UK
9.45 am – 10.15 am Presentation 2: Georg Stöber (GEI)
10.15 am – 11.00 am Discussion

11.00 am – 11.20 am Coffee Break

11.20 – 11.50 am Presentation 3: Ivona Čelebičić (ProMente BaH)
11.50 – 12.20 am Presentation 4: Gail Weldon, Cape Town/South Africa
12.20 – 1.00 pm Discussion

1.00 pm – 2.30 pm Lunch

2.30 ‐ 4.00 pm Chair: Eckhardt Fuchs (GEI)
Report: Falk Pingel, Bielefeld/Germany
Closing discussion


Katarina Batarilo-Henschen

Celler Str. 3 Braunschweig


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