Infrastructures of Publics – Publics of Infrastructures

Infrastructures of Publics – Publics of Infrastructures

SFB 1187 Medien der Kooperation
Artur-Woll-Haus, Am Eichenhang 50, 57076 Siegen
Vom - Bis
08.12.2016 - 10.12.2016
David Sittler

The first annual conference of the Collaborative Research Center 1187 “Media of Cooperation” addresses the crossing over of two overarching research perspectives on cooperative media practices: Infrastructures and their publics on the one hand and publics and their infrastructures on the other. The conference scrutinizes publics and infrastructures not separately but in their constitutive interrelations, which allow publics and infrastructures to come into being in the first place.
The conference takes a praxeological approach, discussing historical and current processes of cooperative media practices as infrastructuring and making public(s). It involves a wide range of disciplines including Anthropology, Media Studies, History, Social Sciences, and Informatics. The conference assembles national and international experts who contribute to research and theories on ‘analog’ and ‘digital’ forms of the production and design of different publics and infrastructures. Media Studies understood in this broad way builds on concepts of networked issue publics or societies (Noortje Marres) and experimental publics and cooperative thought (Paul Kockelman). It opens up new perspectives on publics and their media infrastructures. Main conference language will be English.



Thursday, 8 December, 2016

from 9:30 a.m. Registration

10:15–10:30 a.m. Opening and welcome

10:30–11:30 a.m. Keynote I
Noortje Marres (Warwick): Infrastructuring publics or societies? On street trials as experiments in interpretation

11:30–12:00 a.m.
Erhard Schüttpelz (Siegen): Infrastructural Media and Public Media. Keeping the Binocular in Focus

12:00–01:30 p.m. Lunch

01:30–03:30 p.m.

Panel 1 - In/Transparency

Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz (Bremen): Still a “Public Sphere”? A Systematic-Historical View on Transparency and Responsibility as Communication Values

Dominique Linhardt (EHESS/CNRS Paris): Following the Key-Track: Some Insights into the Political Sociology of Encryption Technologies

Mundo Yang (Siegen): Civic Engagement Projects for Social Ecological Transformation and the Question of Publicity

Hagen Schölzel (Erfurt): Modes of establishing publics: The cases of the GuttenPlag-Wiki activism and the Communication Controlling concept

03:30–04:30 p.m. Coffee break

04:30–06:30 p.m.

Panel 2 - Work/Places

Ann-Sophie Lehmann (Groningen): “…their artworks”. Cooperative Making in Contemporary Art Production

M. Six Silberman (IG Metall, Frankfurt): Crowd-Workers, Mitbestimmung and Infrastructures of In/Visibility

Julia Moos & Julia Kurz (Siegen): Making Cooperation Visible

Katharina Kreuder-Sonnen (Siegen): How do Large Construction Sites Work? Constructing Infrastructures and Infrastructuring Construction

from 07:30 p.m. Conference dinner

Friday, 9 December 2016

9:30–10:00 a.m.
Martin Zillinger (Köln): Graduated Publics. Scaling Common Situations through Artful Mediation

10:00–11:00 a.m. Keynote II
Paul Kockelman (Yale): Witchful Thinking: Experimental Publics, Cooperative Thought, and Mediated Renderings of the Real

11:00–11:15 a.m. Break

11:15–12:15 a.m. Panel Discussion:
Christopher Le Dantec (Georgia Tech), Helena Karasti (Oulu/Luleå), M. Six Silberman (IG Metall, Frankfurt): Infrastructuring Publics

12:15–01:30 p.m. Lunch

01:30–03:30 p.m.

Panel 3 - Mobilities

Christopher Le Dantec (Georgia Tech): Infrastructures of Digital Civics: Transportation, Advocacy, and Mobile Computing

Gabriele Schabacher (Weimar): Staged Wrecks. The Railroad Crash between Infrastructural Lesson and Amusement

Tobias Röhl (Siegen): Making failure public: Communicating breakdowns in public transport

Carolin Gerlitz (Siegen): Moving Data: On the Dis/continuity of Form and Value in App Ecologies

03:30–04:30 Coffee break

04:30–06:30 p.m.

Panel 4 - Standardizations

Christian Henrich-Franke (Siegen): Standardizing Telecommunication Infrastructures: Culture(s) of Standardization in the Monopoly Era

Elke Wagner (Würzburg): Disorderly Lists and Disorderly Publics 2.0

Sebastian Gießmann (Siegen): Net Neutrality: Anatomy of a Controversy

Wolfgang Reißmann (Siegen): Sorting Things into Infrastructures: Fan Fiction and Practices of Classifying

from 07:30 p.m. Reception, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen

Saturday, 10 December 2016

9:30–11:30 a.m.

Panel 5 - Academia

Tanja Bogusz (Kassel): Public Concerns in Sustainability Research: An Experimental Approach

Jürgen Richter (Köln): Paleo-Cabinetology: The Cabinet Maker´s Impact on Infrastructures of Archaeological Reasoning

Rob Procter (Warwick): What is Social Data Science and what are its Methodological and Practical Challenges?

Christian Erbacher (Siegen): Making Wittgenstein Available: Philosophical Remarks as Media of Cooperation

11:30–11:45 a.m. Break

11:45–01:15 p.m. Final Round-Table Discussion [in German]:
Volker Wulf (Siegen), Sigrid Baringhorst (Siegen), Wolf-D. Bukow (FoKoS/Siegen): Was tun? Herausforderungen an Infrastrukturen und Öffentlichkeiten

01:15–02:30 p.m. Closing and refreshments

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