Esquerdas radicais ibéricas, processo revolucionário e transição democrática – ruptura e consenso. Perspectivas comparadas

Esquerdas radicais ibéricas, processo revolucionário e transição democrática – ruptura e consenso. Perspectivas comparadas

Instituto de História Contemporânea da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Universidad de Cádiz e Asociación de Historia Actual
Aljube Museum, Lisbon
Vom - Bis
22.11.2018 -
Ana Sofia Ferreira

The partisan or proto-partisan mosaic existing in the 1970's in Portugal and Spain, when the dictatorships had ended, included the emergence of small organizations which were to the left of the traditional communist parties, many of them arising from differences that occurred within it, whose most recent roots were originated from a political-cultural mix which intersected and antagonized the influences of the Cuban revolution and the Chinese cultural revolution, reactions to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviete Union and the Soviet military invasion in Czechoslovakia, or the multiple forms of thought and action that May 1968 liberated.

Small groups in most cases, deeply sectarian and dogmatic, with different levels of implementation, but especially scarce in the world of work, its action, especially of agitation and ropaganda, made a winding road marked by a systematic accentuation of principles and divergences, of small and large divisions. However, they gathered the intelligence and wills of a generation, born after Second World War at the height of the cold war and the development of apitalism and consumism. Withe their voluntarism, spirit of surrender and activism without fear, they impressively made their mark in the late sixties.

Maoists and trotskyists, luxembourgers and international situationists, self-managing and neo-stalinist, gramscians and libertarians, the fall of the Iberian dictatorships gave them processes of reconfiguration and growth in the specificity of the processes that followed, whose comparative study will help to clarify not only the spaces of interaction and solidarity, but also of convergence or division of positions, actions and developments throughout the peninsula. An ideological prejudice and a kind of tacit normativity have historically devalued the role played by radical leftists in these processes. This colloquium intends to be a contribution to the restoration of this balance.

Keynote speakers are:
Julio Pérez Serrano (Cadiz University)
Fernando Rosas (IHC–NOVA FCSH)

Submission guidelines:
Name and affiliation of the author;
Abstract (max 500 words);
Keyword: 3 to 5 keywords;
CV of the author (max. 250 words)
Language: Portuguese, Spanish and English

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Ana Sofia Ferreira
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Englisch, Portuguese, Spanisch
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